Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Elegant Gathering of White Snows

This is an amazing book. I am passing it on to my very good friend Melinda who has had a few bumps in the road this year but who remains a source of strength to all who know her. I have left instructions in the book to continue to pass it from woman to woman after it has been read and to include a rock with the book when you pass it on. The rock is to be kept by the next woman reading the book and she is to include a rock and so on...(you'll need to read the book to find out the meaning behind the rocks) I've also asked that they log onto my blog and let me know where they are sending it next. Hopefully this will work and if it doesn't it doesn't. Sometimes things do not influence another person the way it has you. I'm crossing my fingers though that this book will touch many women's lives and they will find inspiration in it like I have. Time will tell.

Another cool thing about the author of this book is that she rides a motorcycle. Very cool! I didn't find that out until I ended the book and read about her on the back cover. Thank you for the amazing book, Kris Radish!

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