Here are the effects that hundreds of miles on a bike and too many beers will have on ya! Thanks for the picture dude!!! He's passed out under the tire of a semi...I hope the driver looked before he/she pulled away!!!
Friday, July 27th thousands of bicycle riders ascended on the town of Dyersville, Iowa. And since I'm always on the search for a fun time and the fact that my sister and her husband live there I trekked up to Northeast Iowa to see the action. Margo and I got up early and went down to where the bicycle riders were entering the town and welcomed them with Morning greetings...clapping and cheers. It was fun to see all the different people come through the tunnel that the volunteers from Dyersville had created. During the evening we went down and partied with the riders on their final night and had a great time. I did keep thinking the entire time though that I wished that the bicycles were motorcycles and that I was actually in Sturgis, South Dakota partying with all my fellow bikers!
For the longest time this Catholic Chick...meaning me...thought that Shrines to Mary were called Novenas. WRONG! I did a little research and the Novena is actually the prayer or prayers that you say during a 9 day period of time or something like that. OK so funny sister and her husband live in a very Catholic community in northeast Iowa. One weekend I was visiting them and we were driving around. We started counting Shrines to, two, five, ten...the three of us were laughing and marveling at all the different shrines...twelve, got to the point were we had to find just one more...we were shooting for 20 and would yell out loud when we would see another one. Kind of scary that 3 grown people were finding thrills in doing this on a Saturday night. Well before we returned to their home we had counted 21. I would have to say Tim and Margo live in a very Blessed Neighborhood with 21 Shrines to Mary watching over them.
Kristen(left)Stephanie(right) Me(above) with the Street Glide aka Zippy Pickle!:)
Kristen, Brent, Dan, & I traveled down to the best bike night in Iowa on Friday! It was awesome to hang with Kristen,Brent, and Dan. Great Ride and Great Friends. Beers and Fun! Love I-Town!!!! Can't wait til the next one!!
I listened to the most incredible female artist that I've heard in sometime. Jasmine Cain's album The Inside is incredible. Holy Shit...the entire album is awesome. The song that got me the most was November. It was so haunting and brought tears to my eyes. The other song that really got me was Sweet Euphoria. Jasmine is from South Dakota so naturally she will be in Sturgis for the big rally. Check out her myspace page for the dates and times.
This is probably silly but whenever I post my picture I always get that song from Toby Keith in my head...How do you like me now? This year was my 20 yr class reunion and I kind of failed to attend even though I was so going to. I think I look pretty damn great for 38 yrs old! Yep that's right...I'm 38 yrs old and damn proud of it. And this 38 yr old chick is going to be an Auntie! My sister Margo and her husband Tim are going to have a new baby in March!!! I'm so darn excited. I think baby Ketels will be a girl and she will drag race cars and ride motorcycles. And if a little boy is born he will drag race cars and ride motorcycles. LOL :)~ Boy or Girl doesn't matter as long as he or she is healthy. So anyway...Congrats Margo and Tim! I bet LaRue has already been to Von Maur and bought up some baby rack bargins. LOL!
I have a plea to Cage drivers...SHARE THE ROAD!!!!(for those of you that read my blog and are not motorcycle riders or passengers and don't know the biker speak...Cage = Car,Truck,Van,etc.) Don't drive right on top of us when you are behind us. Don't try to share our lane with us. If we meet on a two way street and you have to wait on the other side before you can pass by the cars on your side then don't try to go when a car goes by, don't you usually wait until they are past so you don't hit each other?? YES!!! HELL YES YOU DO!!!! Don't think you can out run a motorcycle by turning in front of us...we are coming at you faster then you think. I realize we are sometimes difficult to see but you also need to look around...don't just look in your mirrors...turn and look in your blindspots too. It could save a life!