Throttler promises to cover interest stories on riders, rallies and businesses across the state. They are looking for riders across Iowa to help them cover events and contribute photos. This is the perfect opportunity for the motorcycle communities in Iowa to help keep everyone informed about motorcycle issues and events going on across our fine state.
Throttler also has a website that you should visit. There are links to their advertisers that help make this magazine free to everyone. http://www.throttlermagazine.com/index.html I also noticed that if you are unable to pick up the lastest issue you can read a few of the stories on their website. Make sure you try to find a copy though because the pictures are great and their is a section dedicated to Iowans and pictures of them on their bikes. It's similar to "Snaps" in American Iron but the thing I like most about it was that Throttler let the rider write about themself and why they ride what they ride.
Best of luck to Roderick Kabel and his staff at Throttler Magazine. It's a great looking mag and I look forward to lots of great reading and photos in the coming months.
Hi there...very nice blog indeed!
the magazine seems very interesting too...too bad I am in Italian riding in Belgium!
Hi Stephanie, after reading many of your posts, going back to 2005, I added you as a link to my blog. I find your writing interesting, informative, honest and you to be a great representative of what a biker (guy or gal) is. It would be great to meet you some day. Ride safe. dan
The more stuff to read the better! I love to have a good read about riding! Online will have to be it sitting here from California.
Ride Safe Girl!
I have a brother that goes to Knickers sometimes. I'll get him to pick up a copy for me. I can read online, but it's not like having it in your hand. Thanks for passing on the info!
Harley Girl,
Love your blog as well as all the information you give out. I can see this keeps you busy this time of the year.
Even though my site is listed with yours as a blog I treat it as a web site with articles published as well as upublished as well.
In both of the June issues of Full Throttle and Thunder Roads magazines are the lastest that I have combined on my site.
I thoroughly enjoy your website and even though I have been in training first as a Certifide Motorcyle Saftey INstructor I will be leaving shortly for additional training with Harley and its Riders Edge Program. I hope to be able to read more of your blog and be kept updated on the lastest.
Keep up the good work and the writing, I want more...
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