Join Clutch from 95 KGGO on Sunday afternoon's at Striker's Sports Bar in Pleasant Hill.(655 NE 56th Street) There is plenty of parking for your scoot and plenty of beer to quench your thirst after your leisurely Sunday "putt". We stopped in this last Sunday and had a few brews...the nice bar girls even gave us a couple "free" ones! Bonus! Plus Clutch and his crew were giving away free t-shirts and free tickets to the Bret Michaels' concert.

I also got a few pictures of some cool bikes that showed up at this enjoyable motorcycle event. I love seeing what people do to their rides, how they make them their own. Motorcycles are beautiful machines and events like this one are a great way to show them off.

Check out this biker chick and her ZZ Top inspired bike. I wonder if she likes a "Sharp Dressed Man" or maybe she really loves those Old Dirty Biker types! She was in luck because I heard a little ZZ Top playing and there were plenty of ODBs walking around.

Make sure you check out Striker's the next Sunday afternoon that you are out riding the roads in the Des Moines Metro. We need a fun place to all meet up on the weekends...it's great that Striker's wants to do something for us on Sunday afternoons. Let's help them make it a success!! Hope to see you there sometime this summer!
You're so funny with your "putts" and "ODB's"!!
Did you score any concert tickets? I got a couple tickets for his show here next week. Should be great!
Looks like my kinda place. If the girls behind the bar show a lot of cleavage, make it a definite! Awful long drive for me though :(
Thanks for the pics - nice rides.
Hey now Joker I think that would be a great place for us to meet in the middle. Besides we'd get to meet Stephanie. It's always nice to have a local place to hang out and enjoy the beautiful bikes and babes.
Dean - I love my words...they make me smile! And you were my #1 ODB that bought a shirt and I thank ya for it!!! :)
Joker - Sorry...didn't notice if they had a lot of cleavage going on. LOL! Hooters has a bike night...could always go there! LOL
Ronman - I seriously think that in the next year or so we do all need to meet up because we are like a little family! Not sure that Iowa would be my pick of places but I am pretty much smack dab in the middle of America. :)
Looks like a great place! I love ODB's! My husband is one! LOL!
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