I dig a good beard on a guy. I've been known to just walk up to a biker and let him know that I truly admire the beard he has sprouting from his face. I'd like to thank the 4 men that bravely sent in their photos to my 1st Annual, and maybe only, Best Beard Contest. The winner will receive the American Throttle Board game. May the best BEARD win! To vote, please go to the comment section of this post and let me know who you think has the best beard. Voting ends on April 16th.
Biker # 1 Big Daddy Caveman
Biker # 2 Recycle Billy
Biker #3 McGyver
Biker #4 Ronman

Billy. Looks alot like mine back in the day:->
Well, I like 'em all, but Caveman's is the only one I have seen in action so I have to put my vote there.
This is a tough one for me, but I'm gonna have to go with Caveman!
I finally met Mr. and Mrs.Caveman last night! I have seen his beard in action and actually can say it felt good too when I gave him a hug! Sorry lads... but I have to say since I have seen the Caveman in ala persona...its a good one! Aside from the beard... he's one of the most genuine men I have met these days. One helluva couple! Luv them!
I'll go with McGyver on this one. I like the two little billy-goat beards hanging off each side of his chin.
Biker Billy's beard is growing a beard. I vote for him.
I guess I missed the fact that you were having a contest. I would’ve glued one on and sent a snapshot.
I’m voting for Recycle Billy ‘cause I’ve got a soft spot for scrap metal yards.
This is a tough one! I'm tempted to vote for Caveman, same reason as the others... I feel like I know him. But with that said, I kind of know Ronman too, but Ron... I love ya dude, but you gotta get more length before I can consider it. ;)
I think my final choice will be McGuyver... two for one!!
P.S. I have to say... I love how Caveman's beard is blowing in the wind. Lucky Ann... he's so handsome! :)
Chaulk another vote up for Caveman. It just wouldn't be right to vote for any of the others.
theres somethin bout mcgyver's expression that i just dig ... great pics!
My vote is for #4, short crop for me. Good luck, guys!
They 're all good. But, zMcGyver's my favorite.
Obviously I am biased..McGyver will always get my vote, but if it doesn't count based on the fact that he's my hubby...Caveman would be my second choice.
My vote goes too # 3
McGyver has my vote!
Can I vote for myself? If not then I vote for Billy.
My vote is for Caveman pure and simple. But to truly enjoy the Epicness of Caveman's beard you must see it after 100 miles of hard riding. It is pure chaos. After every run scientest explore his beard for new species of insects and if any are found they are filed under a special catigory of life calle CaveousManicusBeardus and if you think I am making that up just google it lol.
Caveman Camp Member #23 and Willy D Nemisis #1
Caveman's is cool, but I'm boing to have to go with BILLY's! You can't see them in the picture, but he gets extra points for letting a family of squirrels live in it.
#2, Recycle Billy, please!
#4 just forgot to shave. LOL
I am voting for Bill
Gotta be Biker #3 McGyver
I gotta go with recycle Billy there since I've trimmed my own back. Plus Billy can hide all sorts of things in his like spare motors, wrenches, cans of food, ya name it.
When is the pony tail contest???
Put my vote in for Billy!
Since you didn’t say we couldn’t, I’m voting twice. So I don’t get killed later I’m casting a second vote for Caveman. After all, I’m in CA and most do vote twice here. Some three or four times.
Okay, I'm putting myself on the ballot too.
Billy gets my vote!
Good Idea,,,Willy.;]
Voting for Caveman! :)
So far here is what we've got...
Caveman - 7
Recycle Billy - 11
McGyver - 8
Ronman - 1
Sorry Wooley...you should have entered!!
My vote goes for Billy !!
Billy #2 !!!!
They all look great - but Ronman has the look I like best!
Awww IHG, you done made me cry. It wouldn't have been fair for me to enter, they'd of all thought it was rigged with me winning again.
I vote for #2. :)
Congrats to Recycle Billy! He wins with 14 votes.
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