Last March when I picked up Sadie it was a dream finally realized. When I finally got on her to ride it was scary for me to say the least. It had been quite a few years since I had taken the Rider’s Edge course and a Sportster is much heavier then a Buell Blast. I had also ridden for so many years with Dan that I was feeling a little separation anxiety. Plus to top it all off I had this weird mind set that you beat Leukemia and now you want to ride your own motorcycle. What the heck lady?? I didn’t get very many miles in last year. I went on some short trips but Dan pretty much had to prod me to do it. By the end of the season I was seriously thinking I had made a huge mistake. I considered selling her and forever continue to be a backrest for Dan.
As the winter loomed on this year I would look at Sadie and would feel a tug at my heart. I felt anxious for spring. I was ready to give it another try. My head was back in the right place and I felt better then ever. Come on spring!!
The first chance I got I rolled Sadie out of the garage and started her up. Damn she sounded beautiful. Her pipes rumbling loud and her lights shining bright, before I knew what hit me I was strapping on my helmet and gloves and riding her around the neighborhood. It felt so wonderful. There wasn’t the same apprehension as last year. A few days later I did another trip around the neighborhood and thought to myself as I was stopped at a stop sign, this isn’t enough, I need to take a little spin further away. I rode my ritual route without Dan this year. It felt amazing, my soul had life again. I loved the feeling that I was getting. I was finally back. The new and improved super fantastic Stephanie has her renewed sense of self once again.
Today I rode out to Jester Park. It was so much fun. I can’t wait for my next ride. I hope to share more journeys with you this year. Last year I was pretty darn quiet and didn’t really say much about riding my own. Thanks to all the females out there, that I admire so much, that gave me words of encouragement.(and thanks to you gentlemen too that told me to hang in there) It helped me out a lot. I’m glad I have ME back, because I was desperately missing myself very much!
It’s finally riding season!!! Get out there and enjoy yourself. Be safe and here is hoping I meet you along my continued journey on two wheels !
This is a beautiful post Steph. It brought tears to my eyes, I know what it feels like to lose a part of yourself, and I'm glad that you are back! Be safe out there and enjoy the ride!
Glad you got back in the saddle Steph! Looking forward to hearing more stories this year about you riding.
I was pretty quiet myself last year with all the upheaval in my life but now that things have stabilized quite a bit, I'm looking forward to a lot more road time. We've been gearing up Karen lately and getting ready for some road adventures. See ya out there!
Go get'm tiger!
There you go, Stephanie. You're back, better than ever. Riding is therapy, too. I wish you many miles and smiles. Enjoy your travels, long or short. It can't get any better than this. All the best! SonjaM
Glad to hear it Steph! We have to do things at our own pace... don't ever worry about anything else.
I'm happy that the bug didn't leave you alone... and kept nibbling away at your heart. Hopefully, you'll be posting real soon with some exciting adventures!
Ride on sista!
Put on a bog ol smile and ride Lady. Starting slow last year is just that.....a start. Nothing wrong with being careful. Ride long, safely, and have a great time on the road.
Awesome to hear. Riding is a great way to get refreshed. Enjoy the road.
You just do what your heart tells you and all will go just fine.
Steph, although I haven't had the health issues you've had to (so courageously) deal with, I did go through a "season of doubt" where I seriously wondered just what the heck I thought I was doing. Like you, I was out wiping down the bike in early Spring the following year and soon found myself tooling confidently around the neighborhood. I just hopped on and went, and it was the best feeling! It was a day that really affirmed my desire to ride. Hope you and I will get a chance to ride together this year! ~ Janet
attagirl! very much like what ladyR said, everyone has to ride their own ride. you just needed time and the determination returned.
This all takes time. Make sure you take your time to get it right. Avoid the rally's on your own until you feel like you got it down. (That is where the majority of new riders get into trouble.) You will know the moment you and the bike become one...and it takes longer than most people think it does.
You got what it takes so just enjoy it. You already have gone further and farther than most have. It's your time, do what right for you. You might understand that more than most at this point.
Ditto everyone here. You need to venture into YOUR riding life... not anyone else's. That's where the integrity of it all lands. So if you take the bike to the store and back... that's just fine.
Ride YOUR ride... whatever that is and be happy you and Sadie enjoyed it. If you ride with the hubby... that's just fine too. You enjoyed it back then, why not now. I enjoyed those stories too!
Back pat and hugzzz for you!
Im sure you will do great. I have to retrain every spring too :) Went on the first run of the season last weekend. Sure is good to be back in the wind. Ride safe. dan
Good post. As you gain more experience it just gets better and better. Go. Ride. Laugh. Enjoy!
Glad to hear you back on the saddle Steph, now some nice pictures of the Harley and you on the road ;-)
Can't wait to read what adventures you will come up with :-)
This was wonderful to hear. The bit I liked when reading this jumped out of my screen.... "The new and improved super fantastic Stephanie has her renewed sense of self once again." this was great to read, but probably much better to write! Have fun on the bike this year, take it easy at first and it will all become easy after a while.
Thanks everyone! You all made me smile!! Thanks so much for all your support. You really are a great group of people!
Sister, look where you want to go and everything will be ok.
xo, Biird
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