Was there something specific that drew you into the motorcycle lifestyle?
Yes, my mother making me ride on back.(laugh). Love of the freedom of the open road, and the people who also lead a biker lifestyle. So real, so down to earth.
How long have you been riding?
30 years. For my eighth birthday, my mother bought me a Honda-50.
Does your current motorcycle have a name?
"Mr. Bones" (2008 H-D Deluxe)
What is it about Bikers that you like because you seem to gravitate to playing a lot of biker events?
I am one (laugh) I am part of a true family, and proud to be accepted for who I am. I love to ride, and other bikers can relate to the songs, the stories, my music of real life situations, over coming life challenges, and the therapy of the open road.
If you have read my story, Iron Cowgirl Missy, Who is She, you'll see that after riding around the country for 15,000 miles, I ended up in Sturgis, SD., for the Annual Black Hills Rally. I found peace, surrounded by so many people who were enjoying life, having fun with strangers and not one bit judgmental of anyone.
Where is the best place in the country to ride?
Oh I don't know, our Country is so beautiful it's hard to say. My home state of Michigan is beautiful riding, especially the Upper Peninsula. The Smoky Mountains are beautiful in Tennessee, and the Black Hills of Sturgis, SD. offer a lot to see as well. So many places to ride, I can't pick a 'best' place. As long as I'm riding it's all good (smile)
What is your favorite Rally?
I enjoy Sturgis Bike Week, Black Hills Bike Rally in Sturgis, SD., for the fact that it is the largest rally in the world, and so many people and friends from all over the world attend.
What is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you on the road?
Tried to out run a tornado in Chicago.
Do you feel that women are finally breaking the glass ceiling in the motorcycle world?
I have never witnessed a glass ceiling, I grew up with women riding so I just assumed that those who didn't ride, chose not to.
Do you feel like Men take you seriously when it comes to your love and passion for the motorcycle lifestyle?
Men that ride, Yes of course, because we relate to the motorcycle lifestyle because I live it.
Do you feel you are a role model for the women of the motorcycle community?
I'm just country girl who loves to ride motorcycles and play music. If you find something that you love to do, then pursue it with all your heart. I'm a good mother, I take care of my family and home, I work very hard, I believe in Karma, and I pay it forward when I can.
Do you have any advice for girls and women if they are thinking about moving to the front of the motorcycle?
Yep, go take a class, and if you have a friend that rides, maybe get some good pointers. And… "Ride On Sista" .
If you made it to the Sturgis rally last year and hung out at the Legendary Buffalo Chip you may have had the chance to hear Missy and her band Iron Cowgirl.
What role does music play in your life?
Aside from being a mother to my children, music is my life.
You are a celebrity in the motorcycle world. Were you discovered like an actress would be or did you just put yourself out there and immediately begin sharing your passion with the world?
(Laugh) Maybe not a celebrity, just a chick who loves to ride and play music. I'm chasing my dreams and there are many out there who can relate to my story and the freedom of the open road. I just put myself out there by sharing my music, which comes so deep from my soul.
When did you know you wanted to be a singer/songwriter?
When I was a teenager, I would record myself singing Kansas, Dust in the wind, and to the poems I would write. A boom box, a tape and rewind.(laugh)
Where was the first venue that you played?
The first venue I played was Waterloo Horseman's Campground as a child with a wash tub bass.---The First PAYING gig was Duffy's Tavern in Jackson, Michigan.
Did you sing your own songs at first or did you do covers or both?
Where will you be appearing in 2011?
So far we have announced three shows. May 10th in Hot Springs, Va. at WCHG 107.1 radio station for interview and performance. August 5-14th at The Legendary Buffalo Chip in Sturgis, SD., for their 30th Anniversary and the 71st Annual Black Hills Bike Rally . September 16 & 17 in Nacogdoches, Texas for The OTT Bike RALLY ("Oldest Town in Texas")
What would you describe your musical style as?
I would consider it to be Southern Rock/Rock/Lazy Blues.
What instruments do you play?
Grew up playing a wash tub bass, then moved to the guitar, and a little piano
If someone wants to listen to your music again and again do you have a CD they can purchase and where would they go to do that?
Currently, we are working on our album, which will be released very soon. For now, if someone would like to listen to our music, then they can go to our website where a music player has some of our demo songs.
Who are your musical influences and why?
Gosh, this is a tough one, because my music was influenced by a broken heart. I'd have to say, for male & female, Susan Tedeschi & Bob Seger, and so many more, gosh, I love all music.
Is there anyone in particular that you would love to jam with or maybe you have already...if so who was it?
I would love to jam with Susan Tedeschi or Bob Seger. I had the privilege of jamming with the Doobie Brothers last year in Sturgis, SD., at the Legendary Buffalo Chip and their energy is amazing.
When you are not riding, traveling to rallies and events, or promoting your music what do you like to do?
Cook, clean and do homework with the kids.(Laugh)(smile) I ride a Tennessee Walker (horse), and enjoy camping with him, seeing all my horse friends, playing around a campfire and being out in the woods on a trail somewhere. I've ridden my horse across the State of Michigan four times, and belong to the MTRA Michigan Trail Rider Association. I like to have family time, go to the movies, take care of my home, shooting trap, 4-wheeling, hunting, and the list could go on and on.(laugh)
Is there a motto that you live by?
"It is what it is" & "Life Is Good".

In 2012 Missy will be participating in Freedom Ride. Missy and Iron Cowgirl will be touring the United States, her on her bike and her band following in their bus. They are planning on playing in 38 States. Check out Freedom Ride 2012 for more details.
I have to say that Missy has inspired me to continue chasing my dreams and I hope she has added some inspiration to your life too!
Once again you nailed a great interview of someone who is passionate about riding and singing!
Very inspirational! You can feel the passion for motorcycles and life as such. Life is good! My motto, too.
Great interview, inspirational to be sure. I'll have to watch for her CD to be released.
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