Toots and Spider are from Montezuma, IA and they are bikers with the hugest hearts. Toots e-mailed me and asked me to post about a poker run that they are having for a young lady from Montezuma who has Cancer. Toots wrote a bio on Brandi Klos that I'm sharing below. There are also details about the poker run if you live here in Iowa and would like to attend.
Brandi M. Klos is the daughter of John and Brenda Klos 1200 East Main Street Montezuma,Iowa 50171. I don't know about you, but I am proud to call Montezuma Iowa my home. And so is this family or they would not be here.
Brandi graduated from Montezuma High in May of 2008 she has 3 sisters Cheyene 15 who is a sophomore this year, and twin sisters Lauren and Carmen are 6 starting first grade this year at Montezuma.
Brandi continued her education at MCC, got an apartment and started a job as a CNA(certified nurses assistant) Her dream and education was to be a nurse. We all thought she should be a model, so beautiful. But her dream is to help others.
In October 2008,Brandi noticed numbness in her fingers and toes. On November 1st she said her tongue was very weak and her speech was slurred, so on November 2nd mom and dad got her home from school and took her to the emergency room in Iowa City. Where they did an MRI and found a mass on her brain stem. They said because of the location that is was in-operable,(meaning they cannot operate), or do any kind of biopsy. So it is being treated as if it were CANCER!
She went thru 6 weeks of radiation and 5 weeks of daily chemotherapy, she had double vision and very weak in both legs. And in January things looked good as far as the MRI showed, then Dr'S said she could go back to her apartment and go to work and school. So she went on with life and full filling her dreams. But also had to stay on chemo pills 5 days a month. Mom and dad believed in their daughter and doctor's and let this happen.
Then Brandi had to have and MRI done in April, it looked ok, so she continued on with her chemotherapy pills, taken 5 days in one month.
But in June the MRI showed lots of color, it was wrapping itself around her spinal cord and the madella of her brain. In case you don't know that is not good!
So mom and dad decided to take her to MAYO in Rochester Minnesota. Doctor's wanted to start Brandi on Avastin, a new type of chemotherapy. So Brandy did start it every 2 weeks in an IV and also had 3 infusions in an IV. She had lots of weakness in her left side, hand,arm, leg and foot. She can no longer walk or stand on her own. Her steroids that she takes made her gain weight, and to Brandi this is a major concern.LOL.
On August 11th Brandi seen a specialist in Houston Texas suppose to be the best in the United States and agreed with MAYO Rochester MN, that it is not operable,non-curable but they can try their best to slow it down.
This is hittin home really bad, and I am stepping up to the plate to ask all BIKERS,all MOM's,DAD's,BROTHERS, SISTERS, GRANDPARENTS AND FRIENDS TO DO THE SAME. She's a kid with a big heart, alot of dreams and her whole life ahead of her. This could be one of yours, that just wants to live life to the fullest and help others, Hell that's a dream now let's help her live and then full fill Brandi's dream.

Poker Run - for Brandi Klos September 19, 2009
Sign in starts at 10:30 am at courthouse square in Montezuma, IA
$5.00 per hand or $10.00 for 3 hands with payouts to highest and lowest hand
Last bike out at 11:30 am
Last bike in at 5:30 pm (100 mile run)
1st stop Delta Junction Intersection of HWY 92 & HWY 21
2nd stop Wildlife Bar-n-Grill Fremont, IA
3rd stop All In The Family Raceway (used to be Winds) Oskaloosa, IA
4th stop Scooters New Sharon, IA
5th stop County Seat Montezuma, IA
Dinner and Street Dance -
In front of and hosted by County Seat in Montezuma, Iowa
$10.00 per person - includes dinner and dance, $15.00 per couple
Food will be served from 6:30pm - 8:00pm
CPR will be playing from 8:00pm - Midnight
Several Raffles throughout the night including 50/50
Lodging -
Camping available for free or you can choose the following:
Camping at Diamond Lake for a fee (payable to DNR)
Cozy Country Inn - call for reservations at 641-623-5505
Everyone Welcome!
All Proceeds go to Brandi Klos
Donations also accepted for Brandi Klos at Montezuma State Bank (641-623- 5766)
C/O John and Brenda Klos
Too bad Iowa's a bit far for me for a poker run, but I say good for you for posting this to try to help out a great cause!
Leave it to bikers to step up to the plate. Thoughts and prayers are going out to this fine young woman who wants to give her life to a profession of caring.
Unfortunately that is too far for me to ride, but where can we send donations?
It's always nice when a run is put on for such a worthy cause. I just hate hearing about someone so young facing such a battle. Wish I was out that way to participate.
On another note, I still can't believe I missed you guys in Sturgis. I sort of feel like a butt-hole about it. It's just that the first night there was c-r-a-z-y...and we had hooked up with my buddy Tom from Blackstone and his dad and it was wild in there with all these girls and body shots and stuff going on...and the next thing I know it's time to go back to the room!
Believe me, if I had known that me not hitting the Knuckle that night would mean not meeting you and Dan I'd have gone over there. I would've liked to have met KTDID too. I don't know, it's messed up, but it is what it is.
I have to believe there will be another time, if not in Sturgis again then in another place.
Enjoy the poker run - looking forward to hearing about it.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. I hope it gets a huge turnout. I know bikers are kind hearted and will do the right thing... It is so good of you to do this for you could be one of our children and in many ways she is...While I can't attend, due to distance and recent personal injury...I do hope for a huge turnout.
I'll be there is spirit. I hope you have a great day and a generous turnout!
What a sad story, one always wonders why a lovely young person like that must suffer so. The poker run is a bit far for me(!) but the wife and I will direct our prayers that way, I hope the run is a big success - I'm sure it will be, bikers are good folk.
wow, gorgeous girl. here's to a huge turnout and donation pool for Brandi!!
Just so you all know, Brandi passed away this evening. I hope you all go out and do this for her and for her family. I wish I could. Please show how much you truly care.
RIP Brandi. We all love you):
so sad to learn of her passing. She sounds like such a fine young lady with a big heart of gold.
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