Saturday, March 06, 2010

Holy Cow...I'm going backstage!!!!

I'm so excited! I'm going to see Jason Aldean on Wednesday and I'm going backstage to meet him!!! OMG!!!! I've gone to my share of concerts and I've never made it backstage!!! Jason is out on the Road Trips and Guitar Picks Tour and he'll be in Ames on March 10th.

Dan asked me if the girl in this video is going to be at the concert. I told him probaby not and he made a sad man face. LOL


  1. Back stage! How cool is that. Can't blame Dan that girl sure has some nice ear rings.

  2. Anonymous7:12 AM

    How cool is that! He has a bunch of hits I like. Can't wait to read about it.

  3. I love her vintage suitcase! :D

  4. That is very cool Steph, let us know how it goes, oh yeah, and pics too!

  5. Stephanie: how do you attach a youtube video to your blog?

  6. I like the vintage suitcase too. have to copy the embedded code that you will find on the youtube page where the video is. Then you paste it into your post.
