Sunday, February 28, 2010

Support The SEALs: Drop the Unfair and Outrageous Charges NOW!

This is going to blow your mind! It sure did mine! Please watch both videos. Thanks!!!

Click on link Navy SEAL's Trial Postponed

If you are interested in following this story please go to Support The Seals.


  1. I’ve been following this and am very upset that this is what our taxes are used for. ‘Somebody’ in power needs to step up and stop this kind of crap.

    I heard that the other day while the media was focused on that health care summit, Congress snuck in new laws pertaining to the CIA, FBI and other agencies, stating that they will be prosecuted if they do anything like this. And our politicians wonder why we want to tar and feather them.

  2. This is crazy. We need to be supporting our troops. This kind of treatment needs to stop.

  3. They could have just as well said he tried to escape and shot the basturd.Could have burnt him alive or cut his head off. WTF

  4. Tarring and feathering the politicians sounds like a better and better idea with each passing year ...

  5. Fuck that...let me say it again...FUCK THAT SHIT!

    What kind of a man are you going to send to do that type of mission? A mean, highly trained, highly intelligent, resourceful, moral dude who can get the job done.

    You can't send an average, or even an above average person to do this crap that they are asking these guys to do. It's like telling a pitbull to attack then shooting it because it bit too hard.

    You can't have it both ways. As far as I am concerned...if that terrorist only came back with a fat lip...well, that mofo got of easy in my book.

    It's hard not to get angry about this. But getting angry is not going to solve a thing...we just need to take calculated and careful thought in how to resolve this....stupid crap!

  6. They don't play by the same rules as everyone else so new tactics are needed. To much political correctness, this is a war damnit and its high time we took the gloves off. You have to fight fire with fire or they won't quit. This just hypes me up.
