Sunday, October 16, 2005


You know...I love being a biker chick! It gives me confidence and a little attitude. I think that most bikers have that quality about them. Maybe it is from years of being outcast. Generally bikers are good people. There are the very few that have slightly tarnished the way for us and for the most part I think motorcycle gangs were just a big hype. But than I didn't live back in the days of the Hells Angels. I grew up in a town where the Son's of Silence had a compound. The thing is, you never really saw them out and about, they pretty much kept to themselves and didn't bother a soul. I do have to admit that rallies are a little wild but it's all good adult fun. Nobody gets hurt and the men get to see a bunch of naked breasts. Really the rallies are just an added bonus to the biker world. The best part about being a biker is riding your motorcycle. There is nothing like being out on the open road. The wind blowing through your hair. Being able to smell, feel and sometimes taste(bugs-yuck!) the elements is amazing.

I went to the Sturgis bike rally in 2004. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I think made me a stronger woman. I went with my good friend Kristen. We stayed at the Buffalo Chip campground, which if you have ever been there isn't full of amenities. I'm a little bit of a tomboy but for the most part I'm a girlie girl. The lack of privacy was very different for me and took a little adjusting. Anyway...on our way to Sturgis we experienced the most amazing act of nature I've ever seen. We were riding toward the town we were going to stay in for the night and it started to storm. The wind was intense as we made our way down the highway. To my left hand side there was a rainbow in the sky, in front of me was lightening and to the right of me was the most beautiful pink sunset I had ever seen. It gives me chill bumps just thinking about it. Even though at times I was scared out of my mind that I was going to blow over and I kept praying to God that we'd make it to our destination, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be experiencing such an event. In a car it would have not been the same experience because you are not out in the elements feeling it and smelling it. I'll never forget that part of the trip. We went to Rushmore, which I now appreciate. When I was young and was on our family trip it was just a big rock with faces carved on it. Needles Highway was breathtaking. The rides were more than I ever wished for.

Kristen and I hung out at the Full Throttle Saloon everyday searching for Billy Lane. We are both fans of his and we made it our mission to meet him and get our pictures taken with him. For me it was like a spiritual experience of some weird kind. I tried to talk to him but the words just came out very softly. I was shaking as he moved in for the picture and after it was all done and I walked away I started to cry like a little girl. I had met him...the artist who makes the most amazing choppers that I've ever seen. And an added bonus is the fact that he is so incredibly good looking and such a bad boy!

There are so many more stories which I might share later. I don't want to go on and on about Sturgis in one Posting. If you ever get the chance though, go to Sturgis at least once in your lifetime and experience the madness and the rides. Live to Ride, Ride to Live!

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