Monday, October 17, 2005
Artist Group
I belong to an artist play group that meets every Monday except for the first Monday of the month. It is made up of the most amazing women I've ever met in my life. They all inspire me to be a better person, not just more creative. They are the best friends you could ever ask for. I have always felt honored that they invited me to join the group since I'm not a professional artist like many of the women that belong. We get together and have a potluck dinner, have a fun warm up activity, and then we work on whatever project we have in the works at the time. I've been out of sorts lately and wasn't as active as I should have been. They all stuck by me and let me have my moment and welcomed me back with open arms when I was ready to return. Tonight they all made me feel like the most special person. I recently moved into a new townhouse and as you know when you move into a new home people sometimes give you house warming presents. Each one of them (6 total) painted me a picture and framed them in matching frames. 3 of the pictures have a motorcycle theme, 1 was a very beautiful piece of painted furniture, another was a beautiful abstract piece, and 1 was a painting of one of my favorite artists Frieda Kahlo. I had to hold back the tears. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful group of friends and now I have 6 amazing original pieces of artwork made especially for me. How lucky am I? LUCKY!
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