Old geezers with beards, that ride motorcycles, are very interesting looking characters. My eyes are always searching them out whenever I'm at a motorcycle event. I just like how they look. They scream true life, no nonsense biker to me. With each inch of their beard is a road story that will either teach you a lesson or make you double over with laughter. Really, my liking how old geezers with beards look is no different then men liking women with a particular hair color. There really is nothing to explain and no torrid story behind my digging how old geezers with beards look.
Old Guys Rule, don't ya know? And if they have a beard, well that's even better!
Unfortunately for me, I'm too clean cut to ever gain your notice.
"Sigh" woe is me...
LOL Big D! You have facial hair don't ya?
My husband wears a goatee and I dig him!! :)~
Maybe shaving's a hassle and we just give it up for weeks or months at a time... ;-]
I had the beard and long hair for 40 plus years. It was the times the culture. We were coming out of the 50's mid 60's with the Princeton hair cuts. The country was in a change. Hippy's had long hair we with slicked bad Brilcreamed hair turned long with a beard. It was our indenity. Rebel against the norm. The fact I can do this and f**k you. Freedom from them. The power to do as I(we) pleased. The power one felt when going through town and the gawking people the rush that gave us. The feeling of power when we'd go to a county fair to just have fun like everyone else and you'd think the National Guard was called in just to follow you around. We were not there but to just have fun. And just because we had long hair and breard and rode a Harley people paniced and they did not have too. I resepected thier space and in return just respect mine. I just was not that clean cookie cut kid no more. I was me and repersented freedom of the norm and I love it. It was the times. And it was the times that FTW came about. I'll be me and you be you just respect me and mine and I'll respect yours. Just DON'T cross that line. FTW.... Kevin
Ms IHG: I never could grow a beard. Every time I tried it just looked terrible so I would give up and shave it off. Don't touch my 'stash though! I've had it since it started to grow as young man and have never ever shaved it off. A little trim here and there and I'm good to go.
From all the old bearded bikers in the world,Thank You!
This made me smile. Thank you.
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