I'm sitting here on a cold and snowy New Year's Eve sipping a glass of champagne and thinking about a few things that I need to blog about before the end of the old year and the start of a wonderful 2007.(which will be a year of change and a year of personal growth for me. At least those are my goals!!)
I'm again saddened by the number of soldiers lost in Iraq. The death count is now at 3,000. God Bless our Troops! Let's win this thing so that they can come home!
Drew Tate...go back to Texas! It's not fair to bash Iowa just because you didn't have an awesome season. You should feel proud that you got to come to our great state and play for the Hawkeyes!!
I think it's time for Dick Clark to pass the torch officially to Ryan Seacrest. I want to remember you from the American Bandstand Days.
To Brett Favre...you are one of the greats. No matter what you decide I love ya and I'm not even a Cheese Head.
To Billy Lane...although I'm disappointed in your judgement I still think you are one of the most talented Chopper Builders.
To Harley Davidson...I'm still waiting for my free 2007 Dyna Low Rider. Ok you didn't promise me one but a girl can dream that one will magically appear in her garage can't she?
To my Family and Friends....I love all of you and can't wait to make memories with you in 2007.(Mitzi and Karla...Vegas is only a little over a month away!!!) (Dan...Sturgis 2007???)
To Sasha Mullins...your book Bikerlady Living and Riding Free is awesome. Thank you!!
Let's start celebrating people's lives other than Stars. I'm so over Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie that I could scream!! And why are the stars going over seas to adopt children when there are so many here in the USA that need homes? I'm all for helping children in 3rd world countries but we need to help the children who are homeless in the United States first.
We need to boycott any awards show that celebrates stars. Why do we have them put so high on a pedestal? Their job is to entertain us. That's it...bottom line! We need to have awards shows for our Troops, our Police Officers and Firemen and women...for people who make a difference helping people, such as Teachers and Social Workers.
To Jessica Simpson...I even know the words to 9 to 5.
Ok...I think I'm getting tipsy. I better close. Thank you to everyone who touched my life in 2006. Here is to a great 2007!! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Harley's Angel
My Friend Kathy made me this ornament last year for Christmas. I totally love it. Love the Harley's Angel banner. That would make a good TV show...Chicks on bikes fighting crime and Willie G could be the voice inside the little box. And Bosley...who could play Bosley?? Dave Perewitz or maybe Paul Sr.
Happy Holidays
I'm a little late sending out Holiday Wishes. I hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday Season and that Santa was very good to you.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sam Elliott

Harley Girl's Sunday Morning Reflections
Well it's Sunday morning and I'm sitting here with my cup of joe, trying to decide what I'm going to do with my day. I need to finish Christmas shopping for my nephews and neice. This is a wild fact about me, I hate to shop! The only places that I ever enjoy just spending long amounts of time at are the Harley Dealerships.
This time of year is so busy. I had 2 parties and 1 studio tour event to attend last week. Made me tired. My friend LaRassa is an amazing artist. The building that her studio is in had an open studio night. I went and hung out, drank a little, and watched people with our friend Katherine. Then the 3 of us went down to Centro for pizza and cocktails. What a great restaurant. Our waitress was awesome. I love it when I go somewhere and enjoy the entire experience. It just makes it all worthwhile. Katherine and her husband Larry are leaving us the end of the week to move to NC. I'm really going to miss them. What a great couple of people!!
Last night we went to see our friends Mitzi and Todd. Mitzi asked me if I want to go with her and a friend to Vegas in February. I'm in!! I love Vegas. I'm a night owl so it's the perfect place for me. Always open...always something going on. I hope we can go down to Freemont Street to Hogs and Heifers. It's this biker bar in old Vegas that I've heard about. Can you tell my idea of fun usually revolves around something motorcycle related. Harley Shop, biker bars...ha ha!
Ok...well...better get going. It's already after 9. Need to get as much out of the day as possible. I feel like lately I live for the weekend just so I can chill out a little bit. I don't know why, when you are a kid, that you want to grow up so damn fast. If anyone wants to give me a billion dollars so that I can just chill and have fun, that would be an amazing Christmas present!! I keep thinking that I'm going to make a cardboard sign and stand down on Merle Hay and I -80 with the homeless guys, that says, "I work over 40 hours a week. I want a new Harley but I still can't afford it. Help a sister out!" LMAO....I haven't done it yet...pride gets in the way with that. And I think those homeless guys might try to beat me up. They have a pretty good gig going on at that corner.
If anyone actually reads this...LMAO...Have a great Sunday and a great rest of the month. Happy Holidays and God Bless America and our Troops!
This time of year is so busy. I had 2 parties and 1 studio tour event to attend last week. Made me tired. My friend LaRassa is an amazing artist. The building that her studio is in had an open studio night. I went and hung out, drank a little, and watched people with our friend Katherine. Then the 3 of us went down to Centro for pizza and cocktails. What a great restaurant. Our waitress was awesome. I love it when I go somewhere and enjoy the entire experience. It just makes it all worthwhile. Katherine and her husband Larry are leaving us the end of the week to move to NC. I'm really going to miss them. What a great couple of people!!
Last night we went to see our friends Mitzi and Todd. Mitzi asked me if I want to go with her and a friend to Vegas in February. I'm in!! I love Vegas. I'm a night owl so it's the perfect place for me. Always open...always something going on. I hope we can go down to Freemont Street to Hogs and Heifers. It's this biker bar in old Vegas that I've heard about. Can you tell my idea of fun usually revolves around something motorcycle related. Harley Shop, biker bars...ha ha!
Ok...well...better get going. It's already after 9. Need to get as much out of the day as possible. I feel like lately I live for the weekend just so I can chill out a little bit. I don't know why, when you are a kid, that you want to grow up so damn fast. If anyone wants to give me a billion dollars so that I can just chill and have fun, that would be an amazing Christmas present!! I keep thinking that I'm going to make a cardboard sign and stand down on Merle Hay and I -80 with the homeless guys, that says, "I work over 40 hours a week. I want a new Harley but I still can't afford it. Help a sister out!" LMAO....I haven't done it yet...pride gets in the way with that. And I think those homeless guys might try to beat me up. They have a pretty good gig going on at that corner.
If anyone actually reads this...LMAO...Have a great Sunday and a great rest of the month. Happy Holidays and God Bless America and our Troops!
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Freedom Isn't Free

I watched the flag pass by one day,
It fluttered in the breeze.
A young Marine saluted it,
And then he stood at ease.
I looked at him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
With hair cut square and eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd.
I thought how many men like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign soil
How many mothers' tears?
How many pilots' planes shot down?
How many died at sea
How many foxholes were soldiers' graves?
No, freedom isn't free.
I heard the sound of Taps one night,
When everything was still,
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.
I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant "Amen,"
When a flag had draped a coffin.
Of a brother or a friend.
I thought of all the children,
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and husbands
With interrupted lives.
I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in Arlington.
No, freedom isn't free.
Enjoy Your Freedom & God Bless Our Troops

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