Sunday, November 04, 2012

This Chrome Diva is Sturgis Dreaming!

Is it just me or do others agree that time flies by so much faster the older you get!?  I can't believe it's time to put stabilizer in Sadie's gas tank for the long cold winter.  This was a great riding season for me.  I challenged myself on more then one occasion by going outside my comfort zone.  Next year is going to be even better!  I'm so excited because a group of us are going to Sturgis next year and will be staying at the Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground.  I stayed there in 2004 and actually said I'd probably never stay there again but I regress!  I'm going with a few newbies and I really think that they need to experience the rally via the Chip!  It's truly an experience one will never forget!  The real excitement for me will be rolling into Sturgis on Sadie.  I can't wait to boast that I road my own to the Mother of All Rallies! 

In 2011, Janet Green from Biker Chick News, contacted me and wanted to know if I'd be interested in joining with her and 2 other individuals to created a chapter of the Chrome Divas.  I jumped at the chance and am really glad that I did.  Right now the Des Moines Chapter is still in the growing stages but we do have 8 members.  For me it's been really awesome meeting other women in the Des Moines motorcycle community.  I enjoy seeing them each month when we meet for dinner at Sambetti's.  I've also enjoyed riding with a group of women.  I'm so used to riding with the boys that it's freaking fun to roll into a gas station or a restaurant parking lot and everyone is looking at us thinking, "WOW, that's a group of women riders!"  I love how well we've all meshed with each other and how much we laugh about things together!  I have to say...We are a GREAT group of Biker Chicks! 

Don't forget to VOTE on Tuesday, if you didn't have the opportunity to vote early!  Your vote does make a difference!   November 10th is the Marine Corps Birthday and November 11th is Veteran's Day.   



  1. I do sooo give thanks to our Veterans. Thank you all.

  2. Wish I had realized you were in Des Moines ... I would have stopped on my way through (would have really liked a place to stop in 2011 when it was pouring down rain!). Have a great time in Sturgis, anticipation is such fun ... my idea of Sturgis, a great place to visit the week after bike week. Too many people for me.

  3. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I wouldnt put the stableizer in just yet. Looks so far like it may be a winter like last year. Rode every month all winter. I think I like this global warming.
    Your spirit will do the Chrome Divas proud. Hope it goes well. Take care and ride safe Steph.
    dan (lowrider in the wind)

  4. VStar Lady...if you are ever going to be in Des Moines again, let me know!

    Dan - Thanks so much for the compliment!
