Monday, August 29, 2011

Motorcycle Gear - How Much Do You or Don't You Wear?

As I travel the roads of Iowa I see many motorcycles on the road and their riders adorn a wide range of attire. The thing that really puzzles me is the helmet, shorts, and sandals/flip flops look.

I'm all for being an individual on your motorcycle and having your own look. The part that puzzles me is when a person values their noggin but doesn't value their skin, legs, or feet. I've actually tried to shift with sandals on and I don't see how you can do it without messing up your toes.

Honestly, I don't wear full gear. I wear a 1/2 helmet, protective eye wear, gloves, jeans, short or long sleeve shirt, depending on the season, and boots. In cooler weather I may wear my leather coat or a lighter weight jacket.

So what do you wear? Are you the helmet, shorts, and sandals/flip flops rider, are you in between like me, or do you wear full gear? Maybe you don't wear a helmet at all but you wear all the other stuff or not. I'd love your feedback on this topic.

Ride on and be safe!


  1. I'm more like you. Jeans, boots, fingerless gloves mostly, Helmet, eye protection, leaher jacket when Ican stand it, Jean jacket mostly but some times just a shirt. I was just discussing Firehose motorcycle jackets and jeans with Billy on Sunday. Going to get me those really soon, protective, tough and cooler to wear.
    I'd never ride with sandels and shorts.
    I've had folks think I'm crazy to wear a jacket in summer cause of the heat but really going down the road the jacket helps cool me off, besides, the helmet gets warm to but I wear it...Right.

  2. I'm a bit of a safety minded girl. I wear a half helmet (due to claustrophobia), goggles, long sleeves, long pants and boots in the summer. When the weather is cooler I add a leather jacket and chaps and change from shorty gloves to gauntlets. I'm confident in my riding but I'm not confident about other people on the road or changes in road conditions...hello free range cow!

  3. Honestly, I would like to wear more.

    In principal, I am an ATGATT rider but the broiler-like summer riding conditions here in Vegas make that somewhat challenging.

    Riding without a helmet, or a 1/2 just doesn't feel right to me. 3/4 or full is always on. (excellent ventilation is a must-have)

    There are a lot of people here that wear t-shirts while riding. These people get a little sunburn, heal up a bit and then go out the next week and repeat.

    I try to be a daily rider, so long sleeve t-shirts are my friend.

    Sandels & shorts? NEVER! jurba

  4. I guess I'm a tweener also. I never could say I was compliant with AGAT unless it was winter. In the south, we can ride all year long, but the temps drop enough to warrant some warmer gear. Summer time, no matter how hot it got... boots, jeans, helmet and eyewear. T-shirts are not very protective, but it's all I can stand when it's triple digits. Long sleeve white t-shirts are the best! Keeps the sun off your arms and there's more to wet down during your gas stops.

    Woo Hoo! Wet T-shirts anyone??

  5. I wear jeans, tennis shoes or boots, 3/4 helmet and the shirt/jacket depends on the weather. I only wear gloves when it's cool.

    I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who has wondered about the shorts and helmet choice. My DH wears shorts on his bike but then he also goes helmetless, so at least he is making the same choice with his entire body.

  6. I'm like the person on the Shadow above. Full face helmet, jacket (with elbow, shoulder and back protector), gloves and boots. Only place I lack is the jeans department... I know those would spare me about 1 second of sliding, but I continue to only wear jeans. Even in 90+ degree 90% humidity in Indiana, I still wear all of it every time out. I'd rather be a little hot than have rocks scraped out of my skin...

  7. safe and be free...wearing what you want has so many different all the time, jackets for wind and sun protection and when needed warmth...gloves not always but when you feel you may need some hand protection...chaps when the weather get cooler in the north...I am a half helmut, so I can hear the car around me.

  8. I love it when I see guys all dolled-up rocking their shades with not one piece of motorcycle attire... I always laugh.

    I'm not always dressed as I ought to be (in the summer at least), but I always wear my boots, jeans, gloves, and full-face lid. I've recently added some Kevlar jeans which I love. I can't not ride without any of these. If I get on the bike without them I feel naked.

  9. Always a helmet (legally required here, eye protection, and jeans. Usually boots, gloves, and a jacket but sometimes not. Never shorts or sandals.

    Seems to be a popular topic -

  10. When I was riding a cruiser I would wear a 1/2 helmet, jeans, riding boots, and fingerless gloves. After being hit last August I got a sport tourer. I now wear full face helmet, gloves, armored jacket, boots, and either jeans or armored riding pants (depending on length of the ride and/or aggressiveness of the ride).

  11. Anonymous7:06 PM

    In hot weather: t-shirt, jeans, gloves, steel-toe boots, helmet. Sunglasses for day, clear Dewalt safety glasses at night.

    Long ride under a hot sun: add long sleeve shirt.

    Also have heavyweight leather jacket for cooler weather. Need some chaps for when things get nippy.

    But always a helmet. I've ridden a few times without one, just around town, and it was fun and I felt cool. But I knew that if I got knocked off the bike, I would get a busted skull. So always a helmet for me.

    I've seen guys on crotch rockets and Harleys wearing shorts and sneakers and little else. Seems screwy to me. One fall and the road will peel them like a potato.

  12. I always wear jeans and boots. The rest is dependent on the weather. Just a T-shirt when it's hot. I'll put a vest over it when it's a little cooler. Leather jacket when it gets even cooler. And the vest goes on over the jacket when it gets downright cold. I also have different gloves depending on the weather.
    I never wear a helmet. Yeah I know. Not safe but it's my choice here in Wisconsin.

  13. Anonymous4:59 PM

    yeah D Day like you I have several pair of gloves depending on weather. Have light colored unlined cowhide for warm weather, and unlined elkskin that I wear with polyester glove liners for cold.

  14. I wear boots and jeans always. I even have a pair of kevlar lined riding jeans. This year I've mainly worn short sleeve shirts. I use to always wear a riding jacket. Currently shopping around for another Hi Viz riding jacket.

    I always wear a helmet even when in states that don't require one. Mostly a 3/4 although if alone and around town I will wear a half. I'm also looking into upgrading to a full face or modular helmet.

    Gloves are a must for me. Something about the thought of the hide getting peeled off my fingers just causes me to wear them. Mesh ballistic gloves in the warmer months. Gauntlets when it's cooler. I also have liners for when it gets down below freezing.

    Great post Steph!

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  16. Yea, I've never understood riding with shorts - and I've never even seen anyone with sandals.

  17. I always dress for the crash. Would hate to go downthe one time I decided not to. I always wear a jacket, all summer. Always boots, gloves and jeans. Helmet of choice is a 3/4 with a clear shield. Sometimes I get a little wild and wear fingerless gloves.
