Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Believe in Santa!

I'm not ashamed to admit that I still believe in Santa. There was a brief point in my life when I didn't and tried to throw a wrench in my sister's belief of Santa. What a mean older sister I was telling her that Santa was a fake and I remember doing everything I could after that to correct my wrong. I mean really, what's the harm in believing in a cute old bearded jolly man in a red suit. It brings warmth and great memories remembering waking up Christmas morning to all kinds of great presents that Santa had left for us. Santa brings joy and smiles to me when I see him. I also feel that there is a little Santa in others and they are sent out by him to spread joy and smiles during Christmas and all the year through. Life in America has been a little challenged these days and we are all struggling to make ends meet. Even with that, you can still let your inner Santa come through by helping those less fortunate then you. And I think I say this every year, slow down a little and enjoy the season. Be kind to others and it will come back to you. And whatever you do, always believe in Santa, he's out there watching to see if you are being naughty or nice.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Santa does exist! I believe because I see his work daily. He might not do everything himself but his army of Elves make sure all good is done.

  2. Santa was here tonight and arrived in a motorhome of all things. No, really truly Santa was here. Should have taken a picture. He had his driver take us all around to look at Christmas lights then while we chomped on home made cookies the lady Elf had baked. Back at home Santa played some XBox racing with my son before heading back out to collect more letters for Santa from Good boys and girls.

  3. What a lovely post! Its sure nice when someone admits that its better to believe. Thanx, sweetie, for the reminder.

  4. I agree with Dave and Wooley, Santa is everywhere...You jutt have to look for him.
    Big Al

  5. Santa hasn't been here yet... seems he likes FLHX Dave better, but I know he's coming. If he doesn't that's okay... I'm on the old bag list anyways. Kids first. Great post.

  6. I forgive you ;-)

  7. I like to think there's a little bit of Santa in everyone!

  8. Merry Christmas to all from lowrider in the wind.

  9. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    All the best for 2011

  10. There are somethings I believe in from when I was a kid. There are new things I believe in as I've matured. Two constants included in all of that: 1. Don't touch my Christmas, it is the most inspiring time of the year. 2. What is real and not real sometimes deals with our senses and sometimes deals with our heart. If something like love resides in the hear and is a very real thing, then Santa does too. If love can be felt and understood through our senses, Santa can too. Just my 10 cents.
