Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pee Wee Herman at Sturgis

This is GREAT!


  1. Too funny! I think I have seen it all now.

  2. That was a great laugh. When my son was little T Sunrise came on the radio and he yells with excitment " Owww it's the Pee Wee Herman song!".

  3. Pee Wee Herman is a part of American culture I must have missed previously. I am not sure if that is a bad thing....

  4. That is just wrong. It is a good thing he had a camera crew with him or it could have been ugly.

  5. Some things just can’t be explained. And shouldn’t be.

  6. Sturgis Welcomes Registered Sex Offender Pee Wee Herman

    Sturgis 2010: Colors or Weapons Not Welcome, But Accused Kiddie Porn Pervert Pee Wee Herman Is... (A Not-So-Satirical Commentary on the 70th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally):

  7. Thanks everyone for your comments. It seems like every year that I put something up about Sturgis that I find funny, I make someone upset. Oh well...Pee Wee always has made me laugh and I see him as a character and don't worry about what Paul Reubens does when he's living his life as Paul Reubens. Sorry that colors and weapons were banned in is a free country after all.
