Thursday, July 22, 2010

How To Pick Up a Motorcycle


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I so needed that lesson a couple of weeks ago! Great video lesson. Thanks for posting.

  2. That chick had some nice arms...oh my! Seriously...nice arms, sexy arms. It's killin' me!

    I especially loved the part where she rocked the bike before she gave it the ole' heav-ho. This was better than porn!

    We did this to B.B. when she got her ride. Great information...I have had to use this technique many time myself...unfortunately.

    This is always worthy material to throw up. Uhhhh...have you had to use this yet????

    lol, my verification word; "damet"

  3. Great word verification! lol I haven't had to do this yet but I figured I better watch this so that when it does happen, after I've cried because my baby is lying on the ground, I'll know how to get her upright again!

  4. hogman7:17 AM

    Do you have a video on how to pick up this motorcycle chick? Just asking

  5. Good post. In fact I'm throwing a few readers your way to check it out. I've seen too many try the brute force method and only end up wrecking their backs and/or their bikes doing it that way.

  6. I’m with hogman. I thought you were putting up a dating tip;)

  7. How to pick up a motorcycle ... talk sweetly to it! (just kidding). Seriously, this is good information and a video is the best way to demonstrate it since it's a fairly technical and physical procedure. (BTW, my verification word is "dingstio" - do they pay someone to think these up? lol)
