Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ride the Wind

When I read the news that Bret Michaels had a brain hemorrhage I seriously freaked. I am a true blue product of the 80's. It was big hair and hairbands for me. I remember the first time I heard the song...Talk Dirty to Me. Ironically I've been listening to Flesh and Blood during drive time to and from work. I've seen Poison in concert a few times. I'm a FAN and think Bret Michaels is a Hot Hottie Hot man! I'm not ready to let this one go yet. It sounds like he's recovering and that is good to hear. One of my all time favorite songs from Posion is Ride the Wind. Enjoy and then get out there and RIDE THE WIND!!!


  1. Sorry to hear this. The good thing is he is recovering.

  2. I'm right there with you Steph! Thanks for sharing!

  3. First I heard about it. Glad to know he's still hanging in there.
