Monday, June 08, 2009

News on Billy Lane

I once loved Billy Lane. His talent blew me away. In 2004 my friend Kristin and I went to the Full Throttle Saloon every day to try to meet him. And we did! I was floating on motorcycle fumes as Kristin took my picture with him. Now because of poor judgement my once idol is going to prison for possibly 9 years. I think he got too caught up in all his hype and a greater power did this to bring him back down. What a tough way to be brought back down to reality. My hope is that someday Billy will rise again and bring back that mad talent.


  1. it happens to many :( biker or not. and it's unfortunate. when we are kids we make mistakes and don't quite understand cause/effect, and consequences. but as adults we should know better. drinking and driving/riding/boating is deadly...

  2. Wow!! I had not heard about this…thanks for the story… I got to talk to Billy and Indian Larry in New Orleans just days before Indian Larry died. Sad to hear about Billy…he seems like good guy.
    Big Al

  3. I liked him too, Steph. Let's hope he makes a comeback after prison.

  4. I was also a huge fan of Billy and still am a huge fan of his work. Billy got a little big for his britches though and this is just his wake-up call. Hopefully he can straighten himself out.

  5. Yeah, This is some crazy shit. It is sad it had to happen.

  6. Hey, it don't take much to get your tit in the wringer anymore...

    No worries...he is going to be a legend now. Not the right way to go about it but everyone loves an outlaw. Yup. He's gonna be just fine even if he didn't think about what his dumbass was doing.

  7. I'm sure he'll make a come back in the future, unless something goes horribly wrong in prison and screws him up even further

  8. I liked him and still do... but the bottom line is... DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE PERIOD!!!! I'm sure that I will take some shots from BL fans (see first line of this comment please) but it was a stupid thing to do. I am saddened for him and hope that others might think twice because of his story.
