Sunday, April 05, 2009

Spring Time in Iowa

I don't think we are riding today!


  1. What did not dump on you is going to dump on us tonight:( 6 to 8ins We here have had one of the longest hard winters in some time. It's got to end some time. Globel warming and all. So much for Al Gore and the warming thing.

  2. 74* and a tad bit of wind here...

    They were calling for 35 mph later tho so don't get on the big slabs if you don't want to sand blast your paint.

    Might just be a NASCAR TV day...


  3. Ms. IHG: Hey the streets are clear at least. I'm sure we'll wake up in the morning and it will all be gone... I hope.


  4. You sure ain't riding least not a

  5. Boo.

    I think we're getting that rain starting tomorrow. yay.

  6. My sympathies. But to make you feel a little better, It has been raining, snowing, and windy for the past three weeks here, too. So much for the, "March going out like a lamb crap!" And I think I'm going to eat groudhog for lunch tomorrow.

  7. U-G-L-L!!! Sorry your still enduring the remnants of winter nastys. We had a great Saturday, but Sunday delivered us some pretty nasty storms. I had company this weekend, so no riding for me either.

    Let's do our Spring Sun Dance and maybe can shake this winter crap off for good!

  8. We had the same crap here on Saturday. Now most is gone, and it will be in the fourties this week.

  9. We have a memorial run the 18th so it had better clear by then. Only had the bike a couple times so Im ready. Ride safe Steph. dan

  10. Gawd...hold a crucifix up to the window and maybe it'll go away! Devil's spawn!

    I tend to forget that even when we can finally ride here that there are still other places in the country that are still caught in winter's death grip. Hang in there - it can't be much longer!

  11. It’s been in the 60’s and 70’s here for the last few weeks. Send a self addressed stamped envelope and I’ll send you some ;)

  12. We had a cold spell here last night too…but looks like it is shaping up to be a great riding weekend.
    Big Al

  13. It's raining here today! Whooo hoooo...I just started drying out from the past few weeks. Oh well, I think maybe folks who are grounded appreciate riding a bit more than I sometimes because I just sorta take it for granted.

  14. The weather you experienced has moved east...we will have two days of snow, it's a funny thing, white out conditions, which within 20 mins the sun is out, melting the fallen snow. An hour later, it's white out again. Strange days indeed!
    Hang in there gal, I am...and We'll be seeing the real spring soon!

  15. Things are looking up my friends! I think the snow is gone for the year...crossing my fingers, toes, legs, arms, and eyes! Happy riding to all!!!
