Saturday, February 07, 2009

From My Harley Desk Calendar...

Every day when I arrive at work I tear off a page from my HD desk calendar. On February 3rd the quote that I read really struck me.

Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see. - William Newton Clarke


  1. That totally gave me chills! So true!

  2. Very cool quote, thanks for sharing it.

  3. As soon as I read this, it made me think of a particular road or two we've been on. When your out exploring, and you don't know exactly where your going to end up, it's fun to keep going and find out.

    Great quote! Thanks for sharing it with us!

  4. Sounds so simple but difficult to achieve. So often I want to know the outcome before I invest myself.

    Faith. Worth pursuing...

    Steve Williams
    Scooter in the Sticks

  5. ...and hope gives you the courage to get there.

  6. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I had a 2008 desk calendar like that and it had Harley Davidson trivia questions sprinkled throughout. I kept all the trivia questions and used them at our January HOG meeting. It was fun playing Harley trivia!

  7. Yes, the known road in life can be a comfortable ride. But sometimes it takes a little faith to motor down that unknown path which truly makes the soul soar.

    As most of you know by now, I'm a quote kinda guy. I love this one. Thanx for sharing it Steph.

  8. Ms. IHG: That appears too written about me. I'm forever going off in to the unknown and seeing what is on the other side. I don't think it could be more true then for a motorcyclist.


  9. Went Riding on Saturday. I was so excited to go. Felt Good. It was what I was hoping for. Which leads me to another faith quote-Faith is being assured of what you hope for and confident in what you cannot see.

  10. Sometimes it's faith that is the hardest to keep alive. When we do though the rewards are usually great.


  11. I have the same Calendar!

  12. When our souls get moved by faith our lives are enriched more to enjoy and live the life we have been given. Thanks for this thought. I want to borrow it for my Thoughts page on my website

  13. I think Ronman & KT said it pretty good. I had to close my eye's an reflect awhile on this. It can go pretty deep. Thanks

  14. Never outride your line of sight girl! Open throttle when you can see and brake when the fog rolls in.

    The key word which makes this quote credible is "Faith". Sometimes you just gotta go for it.

  15. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Awesome quote! Thanks for sharing. I rote that one down.
    Motor-head Lady
