Saturday, June 07, 2008

You Didn't See Me

I was just catching up on blogs I regularly read and stopped by to read what was going on with KT DID. She had a link to this YouTube video called "You Didn't See Me." I know KT DID won't care that I've posted this too. For some reason this PSA is not anything I've seen here in Iowa to alert cage drivers to pay special attention and look for us. Hopefully some non - bikers will happen upon our sites and see this and it will make them think...WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES!


  1. Good PSA. I got a sign from ABATE of Wisconsin that I posted on my corner warning drivers to look twice for motorcycles and save a life. I'm seeing more of these signs pop up in our state.

  2. That's awesome. I've read that many times before, but I've never seen it done out on video like that. I may have to throw that up on my blog sometime too.

    Thanks Steph!

  3. Gave me chills! I have read that, but never seen the video. Thank you so much for sharing it. I plan on passing that along to all of my friends who don't ride and still unfortunately don't get it. Maybe they will stop and think.

  4. I have seen this video and it gives me goosebumps every time. Thanks for posting it. I think I've posted it before, but I may post again soon.

  5. I have the same video on my myspace page, along with the full poem. And I'm with you, I have it on there so hopefully people will see it and think (and look) twice.
