Friday, June 13, 2008

D-Day...did you find an Ark? I need to buy one too!

Hello everyone...thanks to everyone who has been posting and making sure that we are OK here in Johnston. So far I'm high and dry and I think it will remain that way for us. The river is set to crest around midnight tonight so that is why they evacuated parts of Des Moines today. I do have to say that it is a mess and most of Iowa has flooding! Keep us in your thoughts! Iowa will bounce back...we know how to bounce back after mother nature gives us these kinds of challenges!

Thanks again to everyone that has checked on us's great to have a group of friends that care. And the wild part...we've never met! It's awesome!!!

Have a great weekend!!



  1. Glad to hear you both are OK. I'm sending good vibes your way!

  2. I've been watching the news. My family is out of harms way also. Glad your good! Stay dry!

  3. I haven't floated away yet! Glad to hear that you're OK!

  4. Glad you're ok! You're in our thoughts.

  5. Anonymous9:56 PM

    hope you are alright

  6. Glad you missed the boat :)
