Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ice, Wind, and Snow OH MY!

Wow...this is one yucky day. I'm ready for spring, oh so ready! I have had a chance to read today. I bought "4 Blondes" for 4.99 at Borders. It's by Candace Bushnell, writer of "Sex and the City". It really is a great book. Almost finished with it, which is amazing because I usually take forever to finish a book.

Last night I watched "Jarhead". I had wanted to see this in the theater but never made it there. It was a very good movie. I'm a sucker for a good depiction film about any war though. I remembered sitting at home in Cedar Falls watching the beginning of Desert Storm. I was sitting at the kitchen table at my parent's home...I had a candle sitting next to me and lit it and said a prayer for our Troops. I remember watching it everyday. My sister and I attended a support march for the soldiers that were called to duty from Waterloo. My family sent a care package to a young soldier named Thad Smolinski. I wrote him and another guy named Rowdy...or something like that. After the war I never heard from them again so hopefully they survived. I'm sure they did. I still have the letters somewhere.

I've been doing this insane workout called, "Fighting Fit, Fighting Fat". Wow...I feel like I'm back in Jr. High in Mr. Schultz's gym class. He was a Marine Drill Instructor turned Jr. High PE teacher. I was always scared of him. He was a major hard ass guy. I was just looking at the Peet Jr. High website and it looks like old Mr. Hardass retired but Mrs. Bolger is still there.

Gosh, I sure hope the power doesn't go out. It just doesn't stop raining. Actually maybe it is sleeting now. And the wind is blowing like crazy. Glad this weather keeps happening on the weekend because I'd had to fight my way to and from work. I have no problem driving but some people just don't do well in this stuff.

So Vilsack dropped out of the Presidential race. Go figure...go on Leno, drop out of the race. He says it was because of money but I have a feeling it's more about, NO ONE KNEW WHO HE WAS!!! I really like Rudy Giuliani even if he is a Republican. I think he handled 9-11 very well. He kept New York City going even after that horrible day. He did good things for the city of New York even before 9-11. While in office crime in NYC decreased, he cut taxes, turned NYC from being in the red to being in the black, welfare reform, improved education, made New Yorkers want to remain in NYC since a poll noted that 59% were ready to leave the city, and he also began an agency to protect the children of NYC. Anyway...I like him and if he's the nominee I will vote for him in 2008.

Hmmmmmmmmm...well...I think I'll get back to my book. I'm interested in seeing what happens to Princess Cecelia next. She's so insane! LOL

Say a prayer tonight for our Men and Women in Iraq.

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