Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
I'm ready for spring and Vintage Torquefest ,which is May 4th and 5th in Maquoketa, IOWA.
Found this great video of the Brian Setzer Orchestra. Enjoy!!!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Riding + Music + Friends = Love of Life An Interview with KT DID
In 2007 I found KT DID's blog and I've been following along ever since. She is definitely a woman that I look up to in the motorcycle world. She rode her motorcycle from California to Sturgis...BY HERSELF! How awesome is that? AWESOME! In the next year I'm going to focus more of my interviews on female riders and I thought what better way to begin then interviewing KT! Meet KT DID, aka Kathy Hurwitz.
Give us a bio about yourself.
Fifth generation California kid. I grew up in Northern California. A place still close to my heart. Lived in Contra Costa County then moved into Alameda, a very diverse city and good for me to discover. Going back to Alameda always sets me into the basics of life. Small town, big politics and loads of historic boasting. The Bay is always a comfort zone for me so to speak, but I love Southern California too. For me, California is the perfect State loaded with National Parks, beaches and mountains all within hours from each other and even minutes. I am one of six kids and couldn't wait to move out of the house. I did just that right after high school. I hitchhiked to Tahoe making a Russian River stop on the way, then stayed and worked in South Tahoe where I met some life long friends. Got married, divorced and married again and halted. Woot!

Was there something specific that drew you into the motorcycle lifestyle?
Since I was a teenager, I have always loved motorcycles, riding on the back was only what I knew and was happy with it. But then I discovered Prings in San Leandro. Choppers and hot rods used to cruise the "strip" there. I would take my cousin's MG (he was in the Navy) and cruise it with one of my girlfriends. We would actually cruise it for hours and read our Easy Riders Magazine to figure how to build one. LOL... never did. High School was then over and we all went our separate ways. The ex had a '57 Panhead that I rode after taking the CHP Riders Course back in the 80's. We split up shortly after I got my license and the logistics of life sent it all on the back burner again. Wasn't until I retired that I became so bored with my everyday life that I actually decided to write a list of what I wanted to do the rest of my days. Motorcycling was the first. Captain's License was second and third was being a Pilot. I never got to the second or third.
How long have you been riding?
Riding my own really started in May of 2005.
What was your first motorcycle?
2005 Harley Davidson 883L Sportster...the worst choice for my first bike. I kept dumping it as it was too top heavy for me. I ended up keeping that in the garage while I skilled up on a Suzuki GZ250. I called it my "milk" bike. I went to the store on it to buy milk and it milked my confidence enough to get back on the Sportster. So, in essence the GZ was probably my first bike.
What do you currently ride?
2006 Harley Davidson Deluxe, 2010 Street Glide Trike, and just acquired a 2011 Nightster.
How many motorcycles have you owned and what were they?
5 and 2 scooters. 2005 883L Sportster, 2005 Suzuki GZ250, 2008 1200L Sportster, 2008 Ural Sahara, 2010 Street Glide Trike, and 2 BMS scooters, and now a 2011 Nightster.
How do you feel when you are riding?
The way I describe it this: close your eyes, and think of the best concert or song you have ever heard and totally get into that moment... to me that's how it feels. Like Music. Like my first concert. The Beatles. The best concert in my whole life ever. I will never forget the feeling of being in a crowd and getting into the motion of the whole arena thing. Wondrous! That's the ride for me.

Is there a motto that you live by?
I have a couple: "I don't care what you think of me, its none of my business anyway" and "Give To Ride, Ride And Give. I think it is important to give back in any way you can. Those peeps that say they do and in reality they don't, make me want to barf.
Do you feel you are treated differently because you choose to ride a motorcycle and are a woman?
I don't know what that "difference" would be. I do know people do stereotype me sometimes, but I don't get bothered with it cause I usually open my mouth and throw my 2 cents into it. I would do that normally in any part of my life though.
Do you feel you are a role model for the women of the motorcycle community?
No and I don't want to be. The "Diva" syndrome makes me want to barf. However, if I can share the zest for riding, that's different. This is why...I needed extra confidence to get back on my bike after dumping it. Threw me back a little in the beginning. But then I realized the more I talked about it and more I "shared" about it, the more confidence I gained in knowing others were out there patting my back and giving me that push forward. Some women told me not to say anything to others because it made women riders look stupid. But I needed to find out why I was dumping and what I was doing wrong... so I asked and talked about my weaknesses. When I was honest and open to peeps, I got honest help. I believe everyone needs a "you can do it" person in their life.. If I can be that person, I'm thrilled.
Why Harley Davidson?
It was never anything else for me. I have had the other 2 (Ural & Suzuki), but Harley is the "it" bike for me. I feel safe on it and they have been able to lower the bike for size for me. It was also the bike I wanted from way back. However, I am not a snob to it. I don't care what you ride, just ride if that is what you wish to do.

Do you have any mentors or heroes? If so, what have they taught you and why do they fall in this category in your life?
Heroes: Veterans are my heroes. They show me the way with pride. These are the real "You can do it" peeps. Mentors: V-Twin Mama. She was the one I connected with on the Internet when I knew absolutely no one that rode. For months she held my hand through cyberspace and coached me up my driveway from hell. I will always be thankful to her. It was also through her website I got to meet one of my riding buddies, Gloria, also known as Map Girl. We have made a lifelong friendship through riding and that's joy to the soul for me.
Is there someone in the motorcycle community that you would like to hang with for a day and have never had the opportunity to before and why?
Nope. I think I have hung with and met some of the best peeps, and that includes my blogger peeps. I hope I continue to meet more riders and to single someone out over another would limit me. No limits.
Do you have a favorite rally or event?
It used to be Laughlin. Just because it was my first real ride and it was a meeting of girlz and we would all have a blast during the weekend. I ride it every year. However, last year put me in a different zone with all the lock downs. Don't know if I will go back. I say that every year though. LOL.
Do you have a favorite place to ride and why?
Northern California, Yosemite. Its my ride of moment. I ride to the Bay then ride over to 120 into the Gold Country and Yosemite. Its so amazing to see and its endless beauty is magical. I am making it a yearly jaunt.

What is the wildest thing that has happened to you on the road?
I was riding through Yellowstone and couldn't find a place to stop at. So I pulled over to munch on a snack and then went into the bushes to visit motha nature. While there, I heard rustling through the bushes and I started to look around. I saw a sign on the ground that had a bear on it. Geezzz! I got up ran to the bike and realized I had food still out in the open. Crammed it down my throat like Lucy eating the candy off the conveyor belt and left. I realized my helmet was still unhooked and I started hysterically laughing. Had to pull over again I was laughing so hard I couldn't see. No one around, just G-d above cracking up with me. Stuff like that happens to me all the time and makes each adventure a long strange laughable trip.
What has your most memorable ride or trip been?
My solo ride to Sturgis 2010. Put me through the test of actually waking up and making deadlines. Each day was a song. At times I couldn't believe I was actually doing this solo. It was at those times, I felt like I could accomplish anything. It was great. I topped off every night with a Hostess cupcake...yum.
Are there any lessons that you’ve learned on the road that stand out the most?
Know your skill boundaries. Don't try and ride beyond them, no matter what. Don't listen to others egg you on when you "know" you shouldn't be crossing over that grey zone. Its a major rule of mine now. Stupidity kills. So does drinking and riding.
Do you like riding with a group or are you more of a lone rider?
I prefer riding solo. No rules. That's not to say I don't like to ride with others. There are a couple of peeps I love to ride with that are on my same time zone. We go away for short weekends and enjoy the sites. If I can't stop and see what the road brings and why I am riding to these spots, to me its senseless just to put the miles on. I don't count miles... I count the times I am out enjoying my time on the road and can't stand going to the same places over and over. So I avoid a lot of rides with friends that involve going to the same places. Solo is the best for me, but I love meeting up for lunches and music.
What has your greatest accomplishment been?
Learning to say No and not having any children.
Do you feel like there are divisions in the motorcycle community because of the type or brand of motorcycle you ride?
There is definitely a sense of community within the brands and types. Some bike groups only allow specific bikes, etc., but I never see a problem riding with other makers. In fact, a couple of my girlfriends ride sport bikes. They don't care who they ride with as long as they can ride. The way it should be.

Do you have any advice for women that are thinking about moving to the front of the motorcycle?
Do it. Take a safety class. At the end of the class you will know if you want to go on to purchasing and riding your own motorcycle. Its a minimal fee and worth every penny. Have a level head when you go into it. Check the leather ego at the door. Go into it with a huge smile. Its fun and the valuable information you receive in a class will always stay with you. Also, get online and check out some sites. WRN has a great site and there are plenty more to google. Do your research and don't be afraid to talk to riders when you have a chance. I can't tell you how many peeps I got to know and spread the word of riding just by talking to them at a gas station. I have learned a lot just by doing that.
If you knew this was your last day on earth, what would you do?
Write a letter to my loved ones and say goodbye and ride out into the sunset....
When you are not riding what do you enjoy doing?
I love to stay at home with my loved ones and nest. Even when I am done with riding for the day on the road, I just want to be in my room and nest it out and watch tv. That's my relaxing time.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
If I had a magic wand, I wouldn't mind a couple of extra inches on my 4'11" frame...LOL!
What do you think makes a "Biker"?
I wouldn't know. I don't consider myself a biker. I ride motorcycles. That's just another stereotype I would like crossed off the books.
Tell us about your photography business.
It's more of a hobby. I put a site up and peeps came to buy. It was pretty amazing. Nothing special, but all of a sudden it happened. It's still fun. If it becomes not fun... I won't do it anymore. But I have met some great photographers, and like riding, we have our own little community of advice and sharing.

Tell us anything else you would like us to know about you.
I am not rough and tough, but I have my opinions and can handle my own. I like a good conversation with peeps and can take on almost any topic, but when it becomes personal, racial, or belittling others because of religious beliefs or lifestyles, I stop and nip it in the bud. I won't feed hatred. I like to smile and love to laugh. Without laughter and love I'm no good.
Just for FUN!
Do you have a favorite swear word?
Ohhhhh Fuck ME!!!!!!! And then there is "Shit" The first one I say when I have done something really stupid, the second one I say at any given time.
What are you currently reading?
The History of Tuolumne County and A Columbia Diary 1853-1858. I like old books and shop for them at old book stores and such. There's beauty in having a solid book with pages to turn in my hands. In particular, old books with beautiful writing and drawings.
What music are you currently listening to?
Rock and roll is the majority of my Ipod. But I also listen to a lot of Frank and Dino. I will always love the old rock of the 60's and 70's though, that will never go out of me.
Do you have any pets?
Murray, The King Of All Dogdom. He's my 24/7 man of the house.

Thanks to KT DID for giving us a look into her world. Make sure you check out her blog and photo gallery.
KT DID - Lifes Ride as I See It
Photos by Kathy Hurwitz
Check this out!
Give us a bio about yourself.
Fifth generation California kid. I grew up in Northern California. A place still close to my heart. Lived in Contra Costa County then moved into Alameda, a very diverse city and good for me to discover. Going back to Alameda always sets me into the basics of life. Small town, big politics and loads of historic boasting. The Bay is always a comfort zone for me so to speak, but I love Southern California too. For me, California is the perfect State loaded with National Parks, beaches and mountains all within hours from each other and even minutes. I am one of six kids and couldn't wait to move out of the house. I did just that right after high school. I hitchhiked to Tahoe making a Russian River stop on the way, then stayed and worked in South Tahoe where I met some life long friends. Got married, divorced and married again and halted. Woot!

Was there something specific that drew you into the motorcycle lifestyle?
Since I was a teenager, I have always loved motorcycles, riding on the back was only what I knew and was happy with it. But then I discovered Prings in San Leandro. Choppers and hot rods used to cruise the "strip" there. I would take my cousin's MG (he was in the Navy) and cruise it with one of my girlfriends. We would actually cruise it for hours and read our Easy Riders Magazine to figure how to build one. LOL... never did. High School was then over and we all went our separate ways. The ex had a '57 Panhead that I rode after taking the CHP Riders Course back in the 80's. We split up shortly after I got my license and the logistics of life sent it all on the back burner again. Wasn't until I retired that I became so bored with my everyday life that I actually decided to write a list of what I wanted to do the rest of my days. Motorcycling was the first. Captain's License was second and third was being a Pilot. I never got to the second or third.
How long have you been riding?
Riding my own really started in May of 2005.
What was your first motorcycle?
2005 Harley Davidson 883L Sportster...the worst choice for my first bike. I kept dumping it as it was too top heavy for me. I ended up keeping that in the garage while I skilled up on a Suzuki GZ250. I called it my "milk" bike. I went to the store on it to buy milk and it milked my confidence enough to get back on the Sportster. So, in essence the GZ was probably my first bike.
What do you currently ride?
2006 Harley Davidson Deluxe, 2010 Street Glide Trike, and just acquired a 2011 Nightster.
How many motorcycles have you owned and what were they?
5 and 2 scooters. 2005 883L Sportster, 2005 Suzuki GZ250, 2008 1200L Sportster, 2008 Ural Sahara, 2010 Street Glide Trike, and 2 BMS scooters, and now a 2011 Nightster.
How do you feel when you are riding?
The way I describe it this: close your eyes, and think of the best concert or song you have ever heard and totally get into that moment... to me that's how it feels. Like Music. Like my first concert. The Beatles. The best concert in my whole life ever. I will never forget the feeling of being in a crowd and getting into the motion of the whole arena thing. Wondrous! That's the ride for me.

Is there a motto that you live by?
I have a couple: "I don't care what you think of me, its none of my business anyway" and "Give To Ride, Ride And Give. I think it is important to give back in any way you can. Those peeps that say they do and in reality they don't, make me want to barf.
Do you feel you are treated differently because you choose to ride a motorcycle and are a woman?
I don't know what that "difference" would be. I do know people do stereotype me sometimes, but I don't get bothered with it cause I usually open my mouth and throw my 2 cents into it. I would do that normally in any part of my life though.
Do you feel you are a role model for the women of the motorcycle community?
No and I don't want to be. The "Diva" syndrome makes me want to barf. However, if I can share the zest for riding, that's different. This is why...I needed extra confidence to get back on my bike after dumping it. Threw me back a little in the beginning. But then I realized the more I talked about it and more I "shared" about it, the more confidence I gained in knowing others were out there patting my back and giving me that push forward. Some women told me not to say anything to others because it made women riders look stupid. But I needed to find out why I was dumping and what I was doing wrong... so I asked and talked about my weaknesses. When I was honest and open to peeps, I got honest help. I believe everyone needs a "you can do it" person in their life.. If I can be that person, I'm thrilled.
Why Harley Davidson?
It was never anything else for me. I have had the other 2 (Ural & Suzuki), but Harley is the "it" bike for me. I feel safe on it and they have been able to lower the bike for size for me. It was also the bike I wanted from way back. However, I am not a snob to it. I don't care what you ride, just ride if that is what you wish to do.

Do you have any mentors or heroes? If so, what have they taught you and why do they fall in this category in your life?
Heroes: Veterans are my heroes. They show me the way with pride. These are the real "You can do it" peeps. Mentors: V-Twin Mama. She was the one I connected with on the Internet when I knew absolutely no one that rode. For months she held my hand through cyberspace and coached me up my driveway from hell. I will always be thankful to her. It was also through her website I got to meet one of my riding buddies, Gloria, also known as Map Girl. We have made a lifelong friendship through riding and that's joy to the soul for me.
Is there someone in the motorcycle community that you would like to hang with for a day and have never had the opportunity to before and why?
Nope. I think I have hung with and met some of the best peeps, and that includes my blogger peeps. I hope I continue to meet more riders and to single someone out over another would limit me. No limits.
Do you have a favorite rally or event?
It used to be Laughlin. Just because it was my first real ride and it was a meeting of girlz and we would all have a blast during the weekend. I ride it every year. However, last year put me in a different zone with all the lock downs. Don't know if I will go back. I say that every year though. LOL.
Do you have a favorite place to ride and why?
Northern California, Yosemite. Its my ride of moment. I ride to the Bay then ride over to 120 into the Gold Country and Yosemite. Its so amazing to see and its endless beauty is magical. I am making it a yearly jaunt.

What is the wildest thing that has happened to you on the road?
I was riding through Yellowstone and couldn't find a place to stop at. So I pulled over to munch on a snack and then went into the bushes to visit motha nature. While there, I heard rustling through the bushes and I started to look around. I saw a sign on the ground that had a bear on it. Geezzz! I got up ran to the bike and realized I had food still out in the open. Crammed it down my throat like Lucy eating the candy off the conveyor belt and left. I realized my helmet was still unhooked and I started hysterically laughing. Had to pull over again I was laughing so hard I couldn't see. No one around, just G-d above cracking up with me. Stuff like that happens to me all the time and makes each adventure a long strange laughable trip.
What has your most memorable ride or trip been?
My solo ride to Sturgis 2010. Put me through the test of actually waking up and making deadlines. Each day was a song. At times I couldn't believe I was actually doing this solo. It was at those times, I felt like I could accomplish anything. It was great. I topped off every night with a Hostess cupcake...yum.
Are there any lessons that you’ve learned on the road that stand out the most?
Know your skill boundaries. Don't try and ride beyond them, no matter what. Don't listen to others egg you on when you "know" you shouldn't be crossing over that grey zone. Its a major rule of mine now. Stupidity kills. So does drinking and riding.
Do you like riding with a group or are you more of a lone rider?
I prefer riding solo. No rules. That's not to say I don't like to ride with others. There are a couple of peeps I love to ride with that are on my same time zone. We go away for short weekends and enjoy the sites. If I can't stop and see what the road brings and why I am riding to these spots, to me its senseless just to put the miles on. I don't count miles... I count the times I am out enjoying my time on the road and can't stand going to the same places over and over. So I avoid a lot of rides with friends that involve going to the same places. Solo is the best for me, but I love meeting up for lunches and music.
What has your greatest accomplishment been?
Learning to say No and not having any children.
Do you feel like there are divisions in the motorcycle community because of the type or brand of motorcycle you ride?
There is definitely a sense of community within the brands and types. Some bike groups only allow specific bikes, etc., but I never see a problem riding with other makers. In fact, a couple of my girlfriends ride sport bikes. They don't care who they ride with as long as they can ride. The way it should be.

Do you have any advice for women that are thinking about moving to the front of the motorcycle?
Do it. Take a safety class. At the end of the class you will know if you want to go on to purchasing and riding your own motorcycle. Its a minimal fee and worth every penny. Have a level head when you go into it. Check the leather ego at the door. Go into it with a huge smile. Its fun and the valuable information you receive in a class will always stay with you. Also, get online and check out some sites. WRN has a great site and there are plenty more to google. Do your research and don't be afraid to talk to riders when you have a chance. I can't tell you how many peeps I got to know and spread the word of riding just by talking to them at a gas station. I have learned a lot just by doing that.
If you knew this was your last day on earth, what would you do?
Write a letter to my loved ones and say goodbye and ride out into the sunset....
When you are not riding what do you enjoy doing?
I love to stay at home with my loved ones and nest. Even when I am done with riding for the day on the road, I just want to be in my room and nest it out and watch tv. That's my relaxing time.
If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
If I had a magic wand, I wouldn't mind a couple of extra inches on my 4'11" frame...LOL!
What do you think makes a "Biker"?
I wouldn't know. I don't consider myself a biker. I ride motorcycles. That's just another stereotype I would like crossed off the books.
Tell us about your photography business.
It's more of a hobby. I put a site up and peeps came to buy. It was pretty amazing. Nothing special, but all of a sudden it happened. It's still fun. If it becomes not fun... I won't do it anymore. But I have met some great photographers, and like riding, we have our own little community of advice and sharing.

Tell us anything else you would like us to know about you.
I am not rough and tough, but I have my opinions and can handle my own. I like a good conversation with peeps and can take on almost any topic, but when it becomes personal, racial, or belittling others because of religious beliefs or lifestyles, I stop and nip it in the bud. I won't feed hatred. I like to smile and love to laugh. Without laughter and love I'm no good.
Just for FUN!
Do you have a favorite swear word?
Ohhhhh Fuck ME!!!!!!! And then there is "Shit" The first one I say when I have done something really stupid, the second one I say at any given time.
What are you currently reading?
The History of Tuolumne County and A Columbia Diary 1853-1858. I like old books and shop for them at old book stores and such. There's beauty in having a solid book with pages to turn in my hands. In particular, old books with beautiful writing and drawings.
What music are you currently listening to?
Rock and roll is the majority of my Ipod. But I also listen to a lot of Frank and Dino. I will always love the old rock of the 60's and 70's though, that will never go out of me.
Do you have any pets?
Murray, The King Of All Dogdom. He's my 24/7 man of the house.

Thanks to KT DID for giving us a look into her world. Make sure you check out her blog and photo gallery.
KT DID - Lifes Ride as I See It
Photos by Kathy Hurwitz
Check this out!
biker chicks,
Love me Do,
women riders
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Hello From IHG!!!
I have a very awesome interview in the works with one of my favorite Biker Chicks, who many of you know pretty well! More to come!!!!!! :)
Happy Holidays to EVERYONE out there! Love you all and thank you for all your continued visits to my blog. I can't believe I'm going on 7+ years....that's what happens when you love something so much. I love, love, love motorcycles and the people in the culture! We are all one big amazing group of individuals.
I have a new favorite song and I found a very cool version of it on YouTube. Some of you may think Lady Gaga is a little out there but I love that she's not afraid to be what she wants to be. That's what makes her special and her song "You and I" is just freaking cool as all Heck!!! Enjoy!
Happy Holidays to EVERYONE out there! Love you all and thank you for all your continued visits to my blog. I can't believe I'm going on 7+ years....that's what happens when you love something so much. I love, love, love motorcycles and the people in the culture! We are all one big amazing group of individuals.
I have a new favorite song and I found a very cool version of it on YouTube. Some of you may think Lady Gaga is a little out there but I love that she's not afraid to be what she wants to be. That's what makes her special and her song "You and I" is just freaking cool as all Heck!!! Enjoy!
biker chicks,
Hello from IHG,
lady gaga
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Great Biker Quote
I found this great quote on a motorcycle website called Passes and Canyons.
I was a motorcyclist before I even rode one. I’d buy the magazines and dream.
I was a motorcyclist before I even rode one. I’d buy the magazines and dream.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
American Throttle - The Motorcycle Trivia Board Game
Christmas is right around the corner and I'm sure a lot of you are thinking, "Gee I hope I don't get another Harley mug or shot glass this year! I hope this year I get American Throttle - The Motorcycle Trivia Board Game!!"

This game is based on a poker run across the United States, stopping at all the major rallies such as Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona, Four Corners and Laughlin. Watch the video below to see how to play this Made in the USA game that is manufactured at Delano Service/EOP Printers, Inc., Battle Creek, MI)
After watching that I know you are wondering how to order this great game!
Click here ------> to BUY IT!!
Steve “Shady” Schader and David Veal are the creators of this entertaining board game. Shady rides a Fat Boy and David is dreaming of a Yamaha V-Star 1100. They created a game that they personally play with their biker friends. They hope that after you play this game you will have as much fun and as many laughs as they do when they play it.

David Veal is Owner/Creative Director at Veal Creative
Steve (Shady) Schader is Owner/Creative Director at Eagleye Creative
This post sponsored by Lombardo Bankruptcy and Debt Consolidation.

This game is based on a poker run across the United States, stopping at all the major rallies such as Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona, Four Corners and Laughlin. Watch the video below to see how to play this Made in the USA game that is manufactured at Delano Service/EOP Printers, Inc., Battle Creek, MI)
After watching that I know you are wondering how to order this great game!
Click here ------> to BUY IT!!
Steve “Shady” Schader and David Veal are the creators of this entertaining board game. Shady rides a Fat Boy and David is dreaming of a Yamaha V-Star 1100. They created a game that they personally play with their biker friends. They hope that after you play this game you will have as much fun and as many laughs as they do when they play it.

David Veal is Owner/Creative Director at Veal Creative
Steve (Shady) Schader is Owner/Creative Director at Eagleye Creative
This post sponsored by Lombardo Bankruptcy and Debt Consolidation.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hazy Shade of Winter
Wow...how fast did 2011 fly by. I feel like I worked through most of it, but I guess that's what life is all about. Gotta make a buck to pay the bills and put gas in the motorcycle, when you have time to finally ride it. I haven't graduated to riding to work everyday, you'd understand if the quickest route you had to go is Interstate 80. I think I'd have to say 10 consecutive Hail Marys each trip.
I rode so much more this year and even helped found the Des Moines Chapter of the Chrome Divas. Being asked to be one of the founding 4 was really a honor and one I never expected. Thanks to Janet who writes Biker Chick News for thinking of me when she decided to bring this to fruition. We went on our first ride together in September and it was an amazing experience. People really look when a group of women roll into a restaurant or gas station without men in tow. It's a GREAT feeling. I felt truly empowered and can't wait for more rides with my WindSisters!
Dan and I rode together a lot too. I think our best trip together was my first distance ride up to my folks, in the spring. It still brings a smile to my face knowing the big hurdle that I jumped with pushing myself to ride Interstate 35. That ride was a huge turning point with me deciding that I was going to keep Sadie because I truly love riding her. I know some of you know after my first year of riding I almost sold her which would have meant that I would have returned to backrest status with Dan. Once again though that fighter instinct in me forged through and I'm truly glad I kept my pretty chrome horse.(Dan told me that he wouldn't have let me sell her anyway. He knew that I'd eventually ride her like I had dreamed of doing so many times.)
It was fun meeting Dean, Karen, and Di this summer. I hope to hang with them again very soon.(DI, I'm crossing my fingers for Christmas) Next year I want to ride the Great River Road and I know we'll stay in Lacrosse again, so D-Day and Karen, LOOK OUT!
I did the craziest thing a couple weeks ago. I did my first 1/2 Marathon. If I do it again next year I'm definitely training for it. About mile 11 I was hating life but I made it in 3 hours and 36 minutes. I have a medal to prove it. Holy Horseradish that was an experience but one I'm so glad I had. I kept looking at the people cheering us on and thinking...I used to be those people and now I'm on the other side. I truly liked the side I was on this time better. My finish was emotional because almost 2 years to the day of the event I was admitted to the hospital and spent my month kicking Leukemia. Thank you Jesus for keeping me on earth. I still have a lot of things on my bucket list that I want to do!!!
A day after the 1/2 Marathon, Dan and I drove down to Nashville, TN just because we felt like Honky Tonking. What a fun place, I can't wait to return and spend more time. Hopefully my next visit I get to meet Ronman and Swag. We did hear some great music at Tootsie's Orchid Lounge and The Stage. The Country Music Hall of Fame was amazing. The only issue I had with the trip was I didn't see Trace Adkins walking down Broadway...boo! Southern people are the friendliest people that I've ever met and I believe that us Northerners need to take a few lessons from them about hospitality. I was seriously impressed with the staff of 4 Rivers Harley Davidson outside of Paducah, KY. Nice folks selling pretty Harleys! I think the one sales guy thanked us 5 times for stopping by. Anyway...I loved the south and this Yankee will be back.
I seriously can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Monday is Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. 2012 will bring more and more political ads and politicians to Iowa. Hopefully the Troops will really be home for the Holidays and nothing more happens over there so they need to go back.(like that will happen) And may all my friends in warmer climates enjoy their all year riding weather and rub it in my face from time to time.
I'm going to close this post with one of my favorite chick groups from the 80's. I'm really not looking forward to the Hazy Shade of Winter but ya know...it comes every freaking year so whatcha ya gonna do except maybe move??
This post brought to you by Murphy and Prachthauser Personal Injury Law.
I rode so much more this year and even helped found the Des Moines Chapter of the Chrome Divas. Being asked to be one of the founding 4 was really a honor and one I never expected. Thanks to Janet who writes Biker Chick News for thinking of me when she decided to bring this to fruition. We went on our first ride together in September and it was an amazing experience. People really look when a group of women roll into a restaurant or gas station without men in tow. It's a GREAT feeling. I felt truly empowered and can't wait for more rides with my WindSisters!
Dan and I rode together a lot too. I think our best trip together was my first distance ride up to my folks, in the spring. It still brings a smile to my face knowing the big hurdle that I jumped with pushing myself to ride Interstate 35. That ride was a huge turning point with me deciding that I was going to keep Sadie because I truly love riding her. I know some of you know after my first year of riding I almost sold her which would have meant that I would have returned to backrest status with Dan. Once again though that fighter instinct in me forged through and I'm truly glad I kept my pretty chrome horse.(Dan told me that he wouldn't have let me sell her anyway. He knew that I'd eventually ride her like I had dreamed of doing so many times.)
It was fun meeting Dean, Karen, and Di this summer. I hope to hang with them again very soon.(DI, I'm crossing my fingers for Christmas) Next year I want to ride the Great River Road and I know we'll stay in Lacrosse again, so D-Day and Karen, LOOK OUT!
I did the craziest thing a couple weeks ago. I did my first 1/2 Marathon. If I do it again next year I'm definitely training for it. About mile 11 I was hating life but I made it in 3 hours and 36 minutes. I have a medal to prove it. Holy Horseradish that was an experience but one I'm so glad I had. I kept looking at the people cheering us on and thinking...I used to be those people and now I'm on the other side. I truly liked the side I was on this time better. My finish was emotional because almost 2 years to the day of the event I was admitted to the hospital and spent my month kicking Leukemia. Thank you Jesus for keeping me on earth. I still have a lot of things on my bucket list that I want to do!!!
A day after the 1/2 Marathon, Dan and I drove down to Nashville, TN just because we felt like Honky Tonking. What a fun place, I can't wait to return and spend more time. Hopefully my next visit I get to meet Ronman and Swag. We did hear some great music at Tootsie's Orchid Lounge and The Stage. The Country Music Hall of Fame was amazing. The only issue I had with the trip was I didn't see Trace Adkins walking down Broadway...boo! Southern people are the friendliest people that I've ever met and I believe that us Northerners need to take a few lessons from them about hospitality. I was seriously impressed with the staff of 4 Rivers Harley Davidson outside of Paducah, KY. Nice folks selling pretty Harleys! I think the one sales guy thanked us 5 times for stopping by. Anyway...I loved the south and this Yankee will be back.
I seriously can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Monday is Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. 2012 will bring more and more political ads and politicians to Iowa. Hopefully the Troops will really be home for the Holidays and nothing more happens over there so they need to go back.(like that will happen) And may all my friends in warmer climates enjoy their all year riding weather and rub it in my face from time to time.
I'm going to close this post with one of my favorite chick groups from the 80's. I'm really not looking forward to the Hazy Shade of Winter but ya know...it comes every freaking year so whatcha ya gonna do except maybe move??
This post brought to you by Murphy and Prachthauser Personal Injury Law.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Are You Superstitious??
Are you superstitious? Do you have a certain routine thing that you do before you ride or while you ride? Do you have something that you carry with you on each ride? Is there a certain article of clothing that you have to wear each and every time you ride?
I would say I'm quite superstitious when it comes to riding. I have a bag of little treasures that I always carry with me on a ride, including 3 guitar picks(Sixx, Frehley, & Keifer), 3 Harley Davidson Poker Chips, 3 crosses, a Mother Mary relic, an Angel of Hope coin, a motorcycle pin, and a piece of chrome that my Dad gave me that says Harley Davidson on it.(I just noticed that the number 3 comes up 3 times here...oh my) I also have 3 "I'm an Old Dirty Biker" pins but those won't always be in there once I find 3 ODBs to give them too.
I also carry the piece of the broken turn signal that my Rider's Edge instructor gave me after I passed the course. This was a result of a mishap I had attempting one of the course skills in our practice. It reminds me that the front brake is only your friend when you use it correctly.
At the beginning of each motorcycle adventure I say 5 Hail Mary prayers in a row. Mary has a special meaning to me and praying to her is something I've always done.
I can't be the only one that does this stuff. Come on, don't be afraid!!! Share!!!
I would say I'm quite superstitious when it comes to riding. I have a bag of little treasures that I always carry with me on a ride, including 3 guitar picks(Sixx, Frehley, & Keifer), 3 Harley Davidson Poker Chips, 3 crosses, a Mother Mary relic, an Angel of Hope coin, a motorcycle pin, and a piece of chrome that my Dad gave me that says Harley Davidson on it.(I just noticed that the number 3 comes up 3 times here...oh my) I also have 3 "I'm an Old Dirty Biker" pins but those won't always be in there once I find 3 ODBs to give them too.
I also carry the piece of the broken turn signal that my Rider's Edge instructor gave me after I passed the course. This was a result of a mishap I had attempting one of the course skills in our practice. It reminds me that the front brake is only your friend when you use it correctly.
At the beginning of each motorcycle adventure I say 5 Hail Mary prayers in a row. Mary has a special meaning to me and praying to her is something I've always done.
I can't be the only one that does this stuff. Come on, don't be afraid!!! Share!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Respect and Dignity for The Fallen Heroes and Veterans of The Vietnam War
On September 16th I went to view the Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall at Resthaven Cemetery. I have not been to Washington, DC to see the actual Vietnam Memorial so I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by. Seeing the wall and the 58,000+ names took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes. Seeing the Vietnam Veterans that were there touching the wall, reflecting on what happened got to my heart. I respect our Military, Veterans, and Fallen Heroes so very much. It hurts my heart that the Veterans from the Vietnam War were treated the way that they were when they returned from their service. I always want to shake each one of their hands, hug them, and tell them "Welcome Home Soldier"! Below is a video that GuideOne Insurance made of the motorcycle escort that the Dignity Wall had to Resthaven Cemetery. Finally the Veterans and Fallen Heroes are getting the RESPECT and DIGNITY that they deserve. I'm also including a poem that my Vietnam Veteran friend Hondo wrote. Thank you Hondo for allowing me to publish this on my blog.
At first there was no place for us to go
until someone put up that Black
Granite Wall. Now, everyday and night,
my Brothers and my Sisters wait to
see the many people from places afar
file in front of this Wall. Many
stopping briefly and many for hours and
some that come on a regular basis.
It was hard at first, not that it's
gotten any easier, but it seems that
many of the attitudes towards that war
that we were involved in have
changed. I can only pray that the ones
on the other side have learned
something and more Walls as this one,
needn't be built.
Several members of my unit and many that
I did not recognize have called me
to the Wall by touching my name that is
engraved upon it. The tears aren't
necessary but are hard even for me to
hold back. Don't feel guilty for not
being with me, my Brothers. This was my
destiny as it is yours, to be on
that side of the Wall. Touch the Wall,
my Brothers, so that we can share
in the memories that we had. I have
learned to put the bad memories aside
and remember only the pleasant times
that we had together. Tell our other
Brothers out there to come and visit me,
not to say Good Bye but to say
Hello and be together again, even for a
short time and to ease that pain of
loss that we all share.
Today, an irresistible and loving call
comes from the Wall. As I approach
I can see an elderly lady and as I get
closer I recognize her It's
Momma! As much as I have looked forward
to this day, I have also regretted
it because I didn't know what reaction I
would have.
Next to her, I suddenly see my wife and
immediately think how hard it must
of been for her to come to this place
and my mind floods with the pleasant
memories of 30 years past. There's a
young man in a military uniform
standing with his arm around her......My
God!......It's has to be my son.
Look at him trying to be the man without
a tear in his eye. I yearn to
tell him how proud I am, seeing him
standing tall, straight and proud in
his uniform.
Momma comes closer and touches the Wall
and I feel the soft and gentle
touch I had not felt in so many years.
Dad has crossed to this side of the
Wall and through our touch, I try to
convey to her that Dad is doing fine
and is no longer suffering or feeling
pain. I see my wife's courage
building as she sees Momma touch the
Wall and she approaches and lays her
hand on my waiting hand. All the
emotions, feelings and memories of three
decades past flash between our touch and
I tell her
that it's all right.
Carry on with your life and don't worry
about me. I can see as I look into
her eyes that she hears and understands
me and a big burden has been lifted
from her.
I watch as they lay flowers and other
memories of my past. My lucky charm
that was taken from me and sent to her
by my CO, a tattered and worn teddy
bear that I can barely remember having
as I grew up as a child and several
medals that I had earned and were
presented to my wife. One of them is
Combat Infantry Badge that I am very
proud of and I notice that my son is
also wearing this medal. I had earned
mine in the jungles of Vietnam and
he had probably earned his in the
deserts of Iraq.
I can tell that they are preparing to
leave and I try to take a mental
picture of them together, because I
don't know when I will see them again.
I wouldn't blame them if they were not
to return and can only thank them
that I was not forgotten. My wife and
Momma near the Wall for one final
touch and so many years of indecision,
fear and sorrow are let go. As they
turn to leave I feel my tears that had
not flowed for so many years, form
as if dew drops on the other side of the
They slowly move away with only a glance
over their shoulder. My son
suddenly stops and slowly returns. He
stand straight and proud in front of
me and snaps a salute. Something makes
him move to the Wall and he puts
his hand upon the Wall and touches my
tears that had formed on the face of
the Wall and I can tell that he senses
my presence there and the pride and
the love that I have for him. He falls
to his knees and the tears flow
from his eyes and I try my best to
reassure him that it's all right and the
tears do not make him any less of a
man. As he moves back wiping the tears
from his eyes, he silently mouths, God
Bless you, Dad. God Bless, YOU,
Son. We WILL meet someday but in the
meanwhile, go on your way. There is
no hurry. There is no hurry at all.
As I see them walk off in the distance,
I yell out to THEM and EVERYONE
there today, as loud as I can, THANKS
FOR REMEMBERING and as others on this
side of the Wall join in, I notice that
the US Flag that so proudly flies
in front of us everyday, is flapping and
standing proudly straight out in
the wind today,
For he today, that sheds his blood with
me, shall be my brother.
Support your local Vietnam Veterans MC.
At first there was no place for us to go
until someone put up that Black
Granite Wall. Now, everyday and night,
my Brothers and my Sisters wait to
see the many people from places afar
file in front of this Wall. Many
stopping briefly and many for hours and
some that come on a regular basis.
It was hard at first, not that it's
gotten any easier, but it seems that
many of the attitudes towards that war
that we were involved in have
changed. I can only pray that the ones
on the other side have learned
something and more Walls as this one,
needn't be built.
Several members of my unit and many that
I did not recognize have called me
to the Wall by touching my name that is
engraved upon it. The tears aren't
necessary but are hard even for me to
hold back. Don't feel guilty for not
being with me, my Brothers. This was my
destiny as it is yours, to be on
that side of the Wall. Touch the Wall,
my Brothers, so that we can share
in the memories that we had. I have
learned to put the bad memories aside
and remember only the pleasant times
that we had together. Tell our other
Brothers out there to come and visit me,
not to say Good Bye but to say
Hello and be together again, even for a
short time and to ease that pain of
loss that we all share.
Today, an irresistible and loving call
comes from the Wall. As I approach
I can see an elderly lady and as I get
closer I recognize her It's
Momma! As much as I have looked forward
to this day, I have also regretted
it because I didn't know what reaction I
would have.
Next to her, I suddenly see my wife and
immediately think how hard it must
of been for her to come to this place
and my mind floods with the pleasant
memories of 30 years past. There's a
young man in a military uniform
standing with his arm around her......My
God!......It's has to be my son.
Look at him trying to be the man without
a tear in his eye. I yearn to
tell him how proud I am, seeing him
standing tall, straight and proud in
his uniform.
Momma comes closer and touches the Wall
and I feel the soft and gentle
touch I had not felt in so many years.
Dad has crossed to this side of the
Wall and through our touch, I try to
convey to her that Dad is doing fine
and is no longer suffering or feeling
pain. I see my wife's courage
building as she sees Momma touch the
Wall and she approaches and lays her
hand on my waiting hand. All the
emotions, feelings and memories of three
decades past flash between our touch and
I tell her
that it's all right.
Carry on with your life and don't worry
about me. I can see as I look into
her eyes that she hears and understands
me and a big burden has been lifted
from her.
I watch as they lay flowers and other
memories of my past. My lucky charm
that was taken from me and sent to her
by my CO, a tattered and worn teddy
bear that I can barely remember having
as I grew up as a child and several
medals that I had earned and were
presented to my wife. One of them is
Combat Infantry Badge that I am very
proud of and I notice that my son is
also wearing this medal. I had earned
mine in the jungles of Vietnam and
he had probably earned his in the
deserts of Iraq.
I can tell that they are preparing to
leave and I try to take a mental
picture of them together, because I
don't know when I will see them again.
I wouldn't blame them if they were not
to return and can only thank them
that I was not forgotten. My wife and
Momma near the Wall for one final
touch and so many years of indecision,
fear and sorrow are let go. As they
turn to leave I feel my tears that had
not flowed for so many years, form
as if dew drops on the other side of the
They slowly move away with only a glance
over their shoulder. My son
suddenly stops and slowly returns. He
stand straight and proud in front of
me and snaps a salute. Something makes
him move to the Wall and he puts
his hand upon the Wall and touches my
tears that had formed on the face of
the Wall and I can tell that he senses
my presence there and the pride and
the love that I have for him. He falls
to his knees and the tears flow
from his eyes and I try my best to
reassure him that it's all right and the
tears do not make him any less of a
man. As he moves back wiping the tears
from his eyes, he silently mouths, God
Bless you, Dad. God Bless, YOU,
Son. We WILL meet someday but in the
meanwhile, go on your way. There is
no hurry. There is no hurry at all.
As I see them walk off in the distance,
I yell out to THEM and EVERYONE
there today, as loud as I can, THANKS
FOR REMEMBERING and as others on this
side of the Wall join in, I notice that
the US Flag that so proudly flies
in front of us everyday, is flapping and
standing proudly straight out in
the wind today,
For he today, that sheds his blood with
me, shall be my brother.
Support your local Vietnam Veterans MC.
Dignity Wall,
Vietnam Veteran
Monday, September 12, 2011
Love Ride by Sasha Mullins Buy It Today to Help a Child!!
Sasha Mullins wrote this great song that you need to go download on your choice of MP3 320, FLAC, or just about any other format you could possibly desire. The proceeds go to The Love Ride Charity which help children's charities. It's only $1.
Love Ride - (c) 2011 Road Diva Music ASCAP
V1: riding all together now for a great cause
one big family rollin strong showing our support
parading cycles on a mission we're just a crew of wild hearts
helping our brothers and our sisters yeah we're givin all we got
C: on a love ride, join the love ride
love ride, come on join the love ride
love ride love, hearts are on the handlebars
love ride, come on join the love ride
V2: feel that gypsy spirit we put the rev in rebellious
the celebration's getting hotter come on let's roll to make a difference
and our hearts are on fire spirits riding high
kick stand up saves another and rock that throttle open wide
B: love love love, we're riding high
love love love, we're rolling free
love love, love ride -- join the love
Outro: hey hey, love ride, join the love ride
love ride, come on join the love ride
love ride love, hearts are on the handlebars
love ride, come on join the love ride
ridin pack wild, smiles rollin miles, hey hey
come on join the love ride love ride love love ride love love ride love
If you can't get to the song by clicking on the word Buy you can go to the Motoroadeo MMC site.
Love Ride - (c) 2011 Road Diva Music ASCAP
V1: riding all together now for a great cause
one big family rollin strong showing our support
parading cycles on a mission we're just a crew of wild hearts
helping our brothers and our sisters yeah we're givin all we got
C: on a love ride, join the love ride
love ride, come on join the love ride
love ride love, hearts are on the handlebars
love ride, come on join the love ride
V2: feel that gypsy spirit we put the rev in rebellious
the celebration's getting hotter come on let's roll to make a difference
and our hearts are on fire spirits riding high
kick stand up saves another and rock that throttle open wide
B: love love love, we're riding high
love love love, we're rolling free
love love, love ride -- join the love
Outro: hey hey, love ride, join the love ride
love ride, come on join the love ride
love ride love, hearts are on the handlebars
love ride, come on join the love ride
ridin pack wild, smiles rollin miles, hey hey
come on join the love ride love ride love love ride love love ride love
If you can't get to the song by clicking on the word Buy you can go to the Motoroadeo MMC site.
Monday, September 05, 2011
Sons of Anarchy - Season 4
The wait is almost over!!! Season 4 of Sons of Anarchy begins tomorrow night!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Motorcycle Gear - How Much Do You or Don't You Wear?
As I travel the roads of Iowa I see many motorcycles on the road and their riders adorn a wide range of attire. The thing that really puzzles me is the helmet, shorts, and sandals/flip flops look.
I'm all for being an individual on your motorcycle and having your own look. The part that puzzles me is when a person values their noggin but doesn't value their skin, legs, or feet. I've actually tried to shift with sandals on and I don't see how you can do it without messing up your toes.
Honestly, I don't wear full gear. I wear a 1/2 helmet, protective eye wear, gloves, jeans, short or long sleeve shirt, depending on the season, and boots. In cooler weather I may wear my leather coat or a lighter weight jacket.
So what do you wear? Are you the helmet, shorts, and sandals/flip flops rider, are you in between like me, or do you wear full gear? Maybe you don't wear a helmet at all but you wear all the other stuff or not. I'd love your feedback on this topic.
Ride on and be safe!

I'm all for being an individual on your motorcycle and having your own look. The part that puzzles me is when a person values their noggin but doesn't value their skin, legs, or feet. I've actually tried to shift with sandals on and I don't see how you can do it without messing up your toes.
Honestly, I don't wear full gear. I wear a 1/2 helmet, protective eye wear, gloves, jeans, short or long sleeve shirt, depending on the season, and boots. In cooler weather I may wear my leather coat or a lighter weight jacket.

So what do you wear? Are you the helmet, shorts, and sandals/flip flops rider, are you in between like me, or do you wear full gear? Maybe you don't wear a helmet at all but you wear all the other stuff or not. I'd love your feedback on this topic.
Ride on and be safe!
flip flops,
leather jacket,
motorcycle gear,
protective eyewear,
Friday, August 12, 2011
R.I.P Jani Lane
Back in the day I was a Hair Band freak! I loved Poison. I loved Bon Jovi. I loved Motely Crue. But the singer and band that I was ever so crazy about was Jani Lane and Warrant. Sadly I found out this morning that Jani passed away on Thursday. A bottle of vodka and prescription drugs by the bed side. Kind of sounds like the song by Bad Company called Shooting Star.
My all time favorite Warrant song has to be Mr. Rainmaker. Rest in Peace Jani Lane. I hope you are in a better place now, free from all your pain.
My all time favorite Warrant song has to be Mr. Rainmaker. Rest in Peace Jani Lane. I hope you are in a better place now, free from all your pain.
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
You Didn't Know Jack Shit Until Now!

So Jack give us a bio about yourself.
I may talk the talk, but I WALK THE WALK! There are many things in this life that we are uncertain of but there is one thing that I know for sure, I’ve never screwed anyone! So when judgment day comes, I’ve got that going for me! I bring smiles across the miles. My sole purpose in life is to make people happier than they were before seeing me. I’m a comedian, writer, Ordained Minister and a roaster. I can teach anyone how to slaughter someone else, all in good fun of course. I am an event host and a master of ceremonies. In recent years I have hosted at Arizona Bike Week and had the great honor of hosting the World Famous, Broken Spoke Saloon in Downtown Sturgis for the 70th anniversary. I’ve performed 50 wedding ceremonies and sadly half that many funerals, many for people I have loved and lost. You never realize what is good in your life until you have lost something or someone great! More than anything I have ever been, I AM A BIKER! I just can’t shake it. For me, it’s not about the bike but that you ride. I love old American Iron though. My love is my 1947Knucklehead and can’t imagine life without it! That bike has opened more doors and caused introductions to people who have grown in to being truly amazing friends. That is why I love bikes. A complete stranger can walk up to you in a place that you have never before been and tell you about the bike he or she rides. You instantly have something in common, it is amazing and motorcycles cross all boundaries and barriers. I’m a Jersey boy living in the desert of Arizona. Like they say, you can take the boy out of Jersey, but you can’t take the Jersey out of the boy! What small amount of notoriety that I do have in this world, I believe it is because I have staked it all on being completely and totally honest, without fail, always! If I say it, bank on it as being the truth! My life so far has been one wild roller coaster ride with a great many ups and far too many downs! So I invite you in, take a look around and welcome to Jack Shit’s World. I hope you enjoy the ride.
When did you first discover motorcycles?
It is hard for me to remember the age as I was truly not much more than a toddler. Back in the day, when your dad got his paycheck, he went to the bank and cashed it. My father was truly a hero who put his life on the line every single day, he was a cop in Newark, N.J. and this was just after the riots. We were standing on line at the bank waiting for the next teller. I could feel a presence behind us and being a fidgety kid, I was looking around. I looked back and down and saw the biggest, blackest boots that went right on up to the knees of the person wearing them. I mean these things were spit shined. I looked up and kept looking up and up and up and at the top was a snarling face of the biggest, blackest man I’d ever seen in my brief time on earth. I stood there staring, he made my dad look like a boy he was so damn big! Suddenly, the biggest pair of hands I’d ever seen reached out and grabbed me! He picked me up and I was so scared that I could not even speak. He turned and began to walk out the door with me and I saw my dad look at me, then back to the teller. Why isn’t my dad helping me? I was carried right out to the street and as we went through the door I began to pound his back and kick and he said whoa buddy, take it easy! With that, he sat me on the seat of the first motorcycle I was ever close enough to touch! Instantly, I’d forgotten that a complete stranger just picked me up and pretty much just stole me! “Ya wanna hear it start boy”, he asked? Can I? With that, he fired up that bike and it forever changed me! I got to hit the horn, turn on the lights and rev the engine. He handed me the mic from the radio and said, “say STOP RIGHT THERE OR I’LL SHOOT”! I DID! Then he let me hit the “red” button and I could not get the smile off of my face. It was a feeling I would never forget, being the guy to turn the siren on, not the guy pulling over because he heard it! I’ll never forget that day as long as I live and I’ll never forget that motor officer who put me in the saddle of a life long passion! Later in life, as I recalled the memory to my dad just weeks before he passed away, he told me the officer’s name and told me that he had been shot and killed a few weeks after that day at the bank, while riding behind a van full of guys who had just robbed a bank. They opened the back doors and blew him away, he never knew it was coming. My dad told me that he never felt a thing, he was killed instantly, I sure hope that it was true!
What was your first motorcycle?
My first bike, I owned only briefly and hindsight being 20/20, I truly regret letting it go. It was a Triumph Bonneville and I got it when I was 16 and got rid of it when I was 16. It was then that I learned the wonderful lesson of, unless stopped, no one can see who is under a full face helmet. I rode that bike every chance I got even though I didn’t have a license. I hid it over at a friends house! My mother hates bikes now, imagine had she found out her lil’ boy was on one then! The first bike that I could “legally own” was like so many of us, a Honda CB 750 F, 4 cylinder, 4 carb deathtrap. I had that bike for a few years after I got my first Harley. Every once in a while, I would revert back to that lesson learned as a boy, nobody knows who is under the full face helmet and when I felt the need for speed, would take that scooter and run it like a mad man through the Pine Barrens of South Jersey!
What do you currently ride?
Right now I’m just a simple guy with just two bikes. I only recently acquired an incredibly low mile 1992 Harley FXRS Convertible. I’ve just returned from my first road trip on her. I put on a good 1000 miles running from Phx., AZ to Orange Co., California and I have to say that I now get it! I never understood the fascination and love that guys had for the FXR. I only wished that I had learned this lesson a long time ago! WHAT A BIKE! I’m taking it from a low ground pounding asphalt eating machine and turning it in to my “bagger”. I’ve recently acquired cop bags, cop seat, cop tank and cop fixed fairing. I wonder where my interest in that got started? Although I now love that FXRS, I do feel guilty each time I ride it because that means that I am leaving my true love, alone in the garage. My pride and joy and my everyday rider, right up until two weeks ago is my 1947 FL Knucklehead! In my opinion, one of the most bad ass machines to ever hit the street! Her style is absolutely timeless. She could have come out of a shop or garage at anytime between the 50’s and last week and her styling is timeless! The only other girl that my wife allows me to caress and fondle and pronounce my undying love for and believe me, that took a few years to become cool with her.

How many motorcycles have you owned and what were they?
In comparison to most guys these days, I guess not all that many. I had to count on my fingers, but I believe 6 is the correct answer on that one. I had the Bonnie, the CB, my rodeo queen softail custom, my knuck, my street glide and now my FXRS. I don’t think that I’ve missed any?
How do you feel when you are riding?
Like a porn star with a 74” monster love stick between his legs on a great day. On other days and other rides, I feel like a porn star with an 80” monster love stick between my legs!
Is there a motto that you live by?
L,L,H & R! Love, Loyalty, Honor and Respect! You have to give it to get it! They are each equally earned and never just given and that goes both ways! I am also a firm believer in always doing the right thing, no matter what the cost! For me, in the end, it is better TO BE JUDGED BY 12 THAN CARRIED BY 6!
Do you feel you are treated differently because you choose to ride a motorcycle?
I believe that for the most part, the days of being treated badly because of being a biker are over! I mean hell, who doesn’t either own and ride a bike or have a family member, a friend or know that “scary guy” who rides? The stigma of being a “scum bag” is over. I feel that in fact it is the opposite now! I believe that rather than be run off by us, more and more people are vying for our dollars! Everyone and every place from Hooters to Churches are hosting bike events these days. I really miss the days of people stepping out of your way, of people looking the other way and of people terrified to speak to you and who prayed that you didn’t speak to them. Now I just smile when someone who has no idea of anything “biker” walks straight across the parking lot to come and talk to you about “that awesome sickle” I’m riding. They walk away smiling and feeling a little bit bad ass because they just had the balls to walk over to the pack of big bad bikers and SURVIVED IT!
Why Harley Davidson?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and take a chance. I can only hope and pray that the motor company’s attorneys don’t come pounding down my door for saying it, but screw it, I’m going to do it anyway. Since I am not saying it for profit, I think I am well within my right to use the phrase without fear of being sued for trademark infringement; IF I HAVE TO EXPLAIN, YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND! I am an American and I’m proud! When I can do it, I buy American and I ride American. I can’t always pull it off and it is harder and harder these days to do, but if I can, I spend the money I make in America on America!

Do you have any mentors or heroes? If so, what have they taught you and why do they fall in this category in your life?
This may be the most difficult question asked yet? Growing up, my father was my hero. For me, it was not only because he truly was “a hero” but because he taught me those four letters that I mentioned above. He taught me every single value that I live with! He always put others above and before himself. He was shot in the chest and returned to work! He was shot in the head and returned to work! He loved being a cop and helping people. He devoted his life to helping people both on and off the job! These days, it may sound really corny but my hero is my girl. We each have our own nightmare to deal with these days but her shit is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. For the last 10 years she has been battling MS. Her philosophy is simple; Someone always has it worse than I do, so why bother complaining? She is the rock in the family. Hell, let me correct that, she is the rock for everyone in our lives. She puts everyone before herself, every single time, without fail! If each of us lived our lives the way that she does, the world would be a much better place. Did I mention that she has THE GREATEST ASS I’VE EVER SEEN? Oh, guess I just did!
Is there someone in the motorcycle community that you would like to hang with for a day and have never had the opportunity to before and why?
For this, I am blessed! Doing what I do, I get to be around everyone in our industry, in our lifestyle and who shares the same passion. I’ve been lucky enough to be around, spend time with or ride side by side with some of the greats and I cherish each and every one of those memories and by the grace of God, I’ll keep making them! If there was one person that I would have loved to hang with and never really had the chance, it would have been without question, INDIAN LARRY! The man’s story was just incredible! His passion and purity in the art that he created was in my own personal opinion beyond comparison! Everyone that I know, who had the fortune to know Larry said the same thing, he was one of a kind!
Do you have a favorite rally?
For me it was always Daytona. There was nothing like coming out of the deep freeze of the northeast and it getting warmer and warmer the closer you got to bike week! Getting that first wicked sunburn of the year within a day of arriving and not giving a shit was priceless. Now though, after having worked as the host of the BROKEN SPOKE SALOON in Sturgis, it is hard to even compare anything else to it. It truly is the Mecca of motorcycling! If only once in your life, you MUST make it to the Sturgis Rally. The people watching is insane, the partying mind blowing and the events are incredible as well but for me, the riding is just stellar! I offer you this advice though if you go, when you stop at a stop sign, keep your feet down on the ground for 3 seconds or THE MAN will eat you for lunch!
Do you have a favorite place to ride and why?
I think it would be easier to say that there is no place I have ever ridden that I didn’t like! I live in Arizona and I ride all year. Most riders here put their bikes away in the summer and only break them out late at night. We have day time temps of 120 and greater at times and let me tell you it can suck! If you have never taken out your nuts and placed them directly on to a hot frying pan than you may not understand. The roads, the mountains and the scenery here are just spectacular. Within a half day of riding from Phx., I can be in Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and have my toes dipped in the Sea of Cortez in Mexico. Since I began riding, I’ve never experienced all around riding as nice as it is here in Arizona.
What are your thoughts on women riding their own motorcycles?
I love it! Quite simply a woman on her own bike means less shit that she will ask me to carry on mine! Seriously though, I don’t see it as “women riders”, we are all just riding to me and for me, the more people who share my passion and my love of riding the better. You never see a bike parked outside of a shrink’s office do ya? Then again, you may if it is the shrink’s bike! At running the risk of sounding like a sexist pig, I think that it is incredibly sexy! The confidence that one must have to control a machine running 75 mph, inches off the ground with nothing to keep you safe but your leathers and your skills is very attractive to me! I’ve never been a fan of the “needy girl” but love a woman who stands, or rather rides, side by side with her man, not behind him, but as in life, confidently next to him. Even more, the woman who has the guts, the faith and the confidence in herself and her machine to take off on the road alone has earned my total respect!

Is there really a motorcycle “wave” or is it just something we do to freak
non-riders out?
Yes there really is and there is a jeep wave and a corvette wave and disgustingly now, THE PRIUS wave! I understand the tradition and its roots. Back in the day, it was extremely rare to see another rider, much less another rider on a Harley. Early on in my “riding life”, I asked a then “old timer” about the wave and why and he clued me in to it! He told me it was so rare to see someone else riding and not pulled over on the side of the road having his bike towed or his ass in handcuffs, that they just gave each other a little “fuck yeah, he gets it” wave! He said there were times back then where riders would pull over or turn around just to bullshit with each other, check out each other’s ride and as he said it, “fire up a doob man”! The wave still exists, but for me, why bother? There are so many bikes on the road these days, especially here in AZ., that I would be riding with one hand on the throttle and the other waving like a beauty queen on a damn parade float all damn day!
What do you think of helmet laws?
I am appalled by them! I am at my core, against any law that takes away any American’s right to choose what is best for them. Can a helmet save your life? YES! Can a helmet take your life? YES! It all depends on the circumstance. If I get started on laws, rights and or government, I am going to have a lot of people yelling “hell yeah” or “asshole” at their computer screens, so it’s best to just move on! Momma always said, the fastest way to ruin a party is to discuss politics or religion!
Do loud pipes really save lives?
THEY SURE AS HELL DO and don’t let anyone ever tell you differently! If I have to choose between annoying someone at a sidewalk café enjoying their HALF CAF, DECAF, MOCHA, CHOCA, LATTE and being sideswiped by some teenager who is paying more attention to the sexting pics she is sending back and forth with her pimple faced boyfriend, I will choose saving my life and MAKING MY PRESENCE KNOWN each and every single time! Even the driver who is paying attention to every single aspect of driving may not see a bike in his/her blind spot, but they sure as hell will hear it! There is a way to run even straight pipes on a big ass stroker motor and not be a total asshole, just shift early and keep the rpm’s down and everyone is happy. I must admit one guilty pleasure though and I don’t care if each and every single person reading this thinks I am a total putz! I love going through a tunnel and downshifting and letting them rpm’s rev way up! It gives me an extra special tingle in my happy place!
You have a blog called Jack Shit's World? How did it get it's name? Why did you decide to start blogging?
A good friend of mine, the promoter who gave me my start in stand up comedy took the time to sit down with me one night and bust my balls relentlessly. He loved my comedy and loved my writing. He told me, that to be successful in this day and age, one must have a multi level, multi media plan of attack to get out there and let the world know, it’s time to stop and take a look at you! I listened intently as he gave me in great detail the plan of not only what to do, but exactly how to do it! The longer the talk went on, the more informative it was and the faster the Jack and Cokes went down. I was intrigued with both his knowledge and the success that he had. I ONLY WISH I COULD REMEMBER A DAMN THING HE SAID THAT NIGHT! I do recall something about a booger! He later reminded me that I would not be a booger, I would be a blogger, who knew? Sometimes, I think it is the same thing! As I have done most of my life, I have taken great advice and completely ignored it. Every now and again, I would have a few minutes and being a writer at heart, I would just sit down behind the keys and let it fly. Each time that I did it, I would get rave reviews from people. Often times, the kind words from people would come from people in the know. I would once again get my balls busted about blogging. To be totally honest, I had no idea what a blog even was and when it was explained to me, all I could think of was why in the world would anyone ever read some else’s blog? I DON’T GET IT, was usually the response that I would give. Right after hosting the 70th annual Sturgis rally at the Broken Spoke last year, I sat down one night and wrote about it. I posted it on face book in the “notes” section. I could not believe the response that it got! I had a friend on face book and her name was Lisa Ballard. Lisa had recently become the West Coast Editor for Cycle Source Magazine. Every now and again, she would send me a message with the kindest, most encouraging words and I will never forget them. Each time, she would more or less tell me, “you have to start blogging man”! Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know…. But, one question, what the hell is a blog? She was so kind that she told me that she would design it, host it, take care of it and all I had to do was write it and provide the content, she would take care of the rest! I am not a taker, I am a giver and to be honest, I didn’t want to owe anyone for something that I could take care of myself. My dear friend, George the Painter from the Horse Back Street Choppers mag., had a blog, so I took a look at his. I went on to blogger and found a template and it was pretty damn easy to make one. I made a promise to myself that I would genuinely work at it to the best of my ability, grudgingly! The deal that I made with myself was that if in one year’s time, if I had 20 or 25 followers, I can’t remember the number now and 1000 page views I would continue on with it. As I sit here doing this interview, that silly blog has 149 followers and just shy of 35 thousand page views and it is viewed now in 77 countries around the world and it has only been 7 months! Looks like I am stuck with it now!
So Jack Shit is your road name. How did you get it?
It sure the hell is and it is the only name I go by. In what seems like a past life now, I use to run with a “group” of fine gentlemen. I was at the time one of the youngest guys to have come around and the older guys said that I would never make it, I would never last 6 months and regardless of what I thought, I would never be anything. By definition, Jack Shit means NOTHING! When someone says, you don’t know Jack Shit, it means that you know nothing! So because my name was Jack, my nickname went from Meoff, to Shit, Jack Shit to be exact. For the record, I proved them all wrong and lasted just shy of a decade! I may not be “them” anymore, but for the record, I’m still Shit, Jack Shit to be exact!

What is the wildest thing that has happened to you on the road?
I guess that I would have to ask you exactly what that question means? On a bike? On a ride? On the way to work? Each and every single time I get on a bike it is an adventure. So let me answer each of those and hopefully one of them will be correct. On a bike; one night in a bar, a great friend of mine, an older biker was telling a tale of how he had received oral sex while riding! I immediately slammed my drink down on the bar and called bullshit! He said no man, really, it’s not that hard, you just need a sissy bar and a flexible girl. I said “c’mon man”? He put his drink down, grabbed his “flexible girl” and we all walked to the parking lot. By God, it is possible and as I turned and looked at my bike thought, oh my, I have both! We had just moved to that town and knew nothing about it so we promptly finished our drinks and took off down the road. We rode a few miles and found a dark, straight road and stripped off all non essential clothing and you know what? IT IS POSSIBLE! On a side note, the next time we drove down that road that we kept going back and forth on until we got it right was in the day light and that little building we kept passing was the police dept. On a ride? This is going to sound like I am a mad man but to hell with it, I’ll tell you anyway. One night while leading a pack of about 35 or so bikes side by side going through the pine barrens of Jersey, I SAW THE JERSEY DEVIL HOP AND FLY ACROSS THE ROAD! I was not the only one! The truly crazy part is up until that moment, I only thought the Jersey Devil was a hockey team. It wasn’t until watching the History channel one night and saw a special on this thing did I realize what in the hell it was that I saw. THE KNOWLEDGE DID NOT HELP ME SLEEP! On the way to work? I was running late one day and running up a four lane divided highway. It was pretty cold so I was wearing gauntlet gloves. I was of course running late, as usual and I was flying up the left lane, splitting lanes and cutting real close to cars and passing between cars and the concrete divider when the car in front of me drove over a newspaper in the road. That newspaper flew up and covered my face and the more I grabbed at it with those leather gloves, the more my fingers would just slip right off it, I could not grab it. It had to be on my face for 15 seconds and it was quite possibly, the longest and most horrifying 15 seconds of my life! As I pulled the paper off, the cars in front of me had come to a dead stop! I squeezed between them, smashed the mirror off of a pick up truck with my shoulder and just kept on going. I stopped at a gas station about 3 miles up the road, checked my bike, my shoulder and my underwear, all were okay! I looked up to the big man in the sky, gave him a wink and rode off to work where I was promptly yelled at for being late and told, hope you have a good excuse! Boy do I!
Are there any lessons that you’ve learned on the road that stand out the most?
Always carry two bandannas, duct tape and NEVER, EVER SPEAK TO THE POLICE! Most importantly I’ve learned over the years that 15 grand and 15 miles doesn’t make you a biker!
Do you like riding with a group or are you more of a lone rider?
I love to ride with a group! If not for the motivation of the group, I would never get anywhere. I would be riding around in circles. I’m not sure what it is that I love so much about it. I’ve always said that “it is never the destination but the journey” and I am all about sharing that journey with the people that mean the most to me! What I won’t do unless I have no choice is to ride with a group that I don’t really know. For example, a poker run. I won’t just slip in side by side next to someone that I don’t know if they have been riding 20 weeks or 20 years! If I am going to die on a bike because of some incredibly stupid move, I WILL BE THE ONE TO MAKE THAT MOVE!
What has your greatest accomplishment been?
Now that is one hell of a question! I am my own worst critic and I think that there is nothing that I do well. So when you ask this, I stop and think and all that comes to mind right now is that I didn’t get any piss on the rim of the toilet bowl today, so perhaps in my wife’s eyes, that was a great accomplishment! I believe that we are put on earth to help each other and I try to never turn my back on anyone. It may not be my greatest accomplishment but I will share this. About 4 months or so ago, I had posted up on my blog. I had an idea when I began to write what I was going to talk about but as usual, the writing went off the deep end. It went some place far and away from the original idea. I never read what I write, I spell check it and post it for fear of editing it. I usually sit down to write late at night. This night was no different. I wrote and posted the piece. I couldn’t sleep that night and at about 5 am heard my phone signal that I had a message. When I looked at the message I was stone blown away! The message was from a woman in the U.K. and what she wrote in the message I will never forget. She had told me that she was very sick and had been for a long time. Her child was murdered by some sick fuck and she was at the end of her rope! She had spoken to one of her friends earlier that evening and her friend had sensed how bad she was feeling but had no idea that later that night, she had planned to take her own life. She wrote how she had written the note already to explain to her family why she could not keep up the fight any longer, why she just wasn’t willing to fight any more! She wrote about how she had dumped out the bottle of pills on to the table she had placed next to the tub. She laid out in great detail to me how she had planned to fill the tub only half way so that when she slit her wrists her family would not have to clean up a horrible mess! I had chills as I read the message as I thought it was someone saying goodbye, openly and honestly to a virtual stranger. What blew me away was how it ended. She told me that it was my blog post that had stopped her in her tracks! How her friend had sent it to her, that she had never seen it nor heard of me before. She told me how she read and then re-read the post, over and over again. It was because of something that I had written that had kept her from taking her own life and finding new strength to carry on! It may not be my greatest accomplishment, but it is one that I am most proud of and I will never forget that message as long as I live. We never know how one action, one gesture or one silly blog post can affect someone else. So be careful in your actions and in your deeds, a butterfly farting in Russia could cause a tsunami in Fiji! Hey, ya never know right?
Do you feel like there are divisions in the motorcycle community because of the type or brand of motorcycle you ride?
I believe that in the times we live in, there are divisions in each and every community. We, each and every single one of us, need to accept people for who they are and stop judging each other. Life is far too short for silly bullshit like this! In my circle, the chopper circle, times have changed dramatically. You don’t have to have a Harley Chopper to be “cool” any longer. If you take any stock bike from any country of origin and chop that thing up and turn it in to your own personal style, with your father’s and grandfather’s tools that have been handed down to you or if you bought a small welder from Harbor Freight, then you are kick ass in my book! If you fire up a torch to mold metal or pound away on a piece of steel to turn it in to something from your mind’s eye, who is anyone to judge you? To say that they are more “cool” than you because they went and purchased a new 35k dollar “chopper”, while you worked extra shifts or on Sunday’s to earn enough money to finance the repair of that old engine or for parts is the biggest crock of shit! I am sick of judgmental assholes who try and push their hang ups or hatred on to others! Take that shit and shove it straight up your ass, you won’t be hanging out with me anytime soon or any longer for that matter! First it was if you didn’t ride a Harley then you weren’t “cool”. Then it was if you rode a sportster, a “girls bike” then you weren’t cool. I ask, who are these people that think they are the “keepers of cool”?

If you knew this was your last day on earth, what would you do?
These are great questions! It is funny that you mention this because my next tattoo will run around my collar bone, across my chest and it will be backwards. It will read CARPE DIEM! Latin for seize the day! The reason that I will have it done backwards is so that each day, when I wake up and look in the mirror, it will forever remind me that each and every day we receive is a gift and that is why they call it the PRESENT! I write all about this, all the time! My wife, who I have been with for 25 years now, suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. Today she can see, today she can walk and tomorrow she may wake up and not be able to. Over the last 10 or so years, we have learned to live each and every single day to the fullest. To love without abandon or second thought. To give as deeply as we can to anyone who deserves it, to anyone who needs it! I try to PAY IT FORWARD always. What would I do if it were my last day? I’d do what I did yesterday and did today and what I will do tomorrow if God willing there is one! Live each day like there will be no tomorrow and you will never look back with regret!
When you are not riding what do you enjoy doing?
I masturbate! I masturbate with reckless abandon! Well you asked, right? I write. I love to write. For me it doesn’t matter if it is comedy for myself or material for others. I’ve been a published poet for all that is worth. That and 11 dollars might get you a coffee at Starbucks. I just began to write recently for Cycle Source Magazine and I am really excited about that! I find peace in working with plants, I always have. NO, NOT THOSE KIND OF PLANTS! When I travel, I will find small “baby plants” or saplings or clippings and I will take them home and transplant them. I love to give them as gifts. What better than giving a living gift? I like to dick around with bikes but will never claim to be any type of mechanic or builder, I only wish I had that type of skill. I just simply love to entertain people. Nothing on earth makes me as happy as when I realize that the smile on the face of the person across from me is there, because I PUT IT THERE!
Do you have a favorite swear word?
FUCK NO I DON’T, I LOVE THEM ALL! Here is some JackShitLosophy for you. For me, this is an issue all the time in stand up comedy. You are supposed to have two acts. One is your tonight show, clean act that you could perform anywhere and the other is your night club act. Well, the problem is, I don’t have an act! I just get up on stage and tell the truth and nothing but the truth. If the word fuck is used in telling that true story then who am I to change history? Here is another bit of that same philosophy. I don’t believe that there are “swear words”, “dirty words” or the usual “bad words”. What I believe is that there are UGLY WORDS! I truly believe that me saying ass raping goat fucker on stage will do far less damage to a person than telling someone that they are fat, or ugly or useless. Those are hurtful words, if there were such a thing as “bad words”, it would be those type of words.
What are you currently reading?
I realized about 8 years ago that I have wasted far too much time and far too many brain cells to ever again read a work of fiction. I only read things that would bore most morticians and accountants. I read psych books and such. I try my damndest to understand the human condition. My favorite book though, by far is a book that I read until it ends, then flip back to page one and begin it again. I’ve been doing it for 5 years now and it is the ART OF WAR. Everyone should read it, learn it and live it! It doesn’t matter if you are a florist or a General, there are life lessons to be learned no matter who we are or what we do.
What’s in your CD player?
I’ve had the very same cd in my truck cd player since I pulled out of the parking lot of the Broken Spoke Saloon in Sturgis last August. We had the great pleasure of having Dallas Moore and the Snatch Wranglers perform for our guests there. I did a little barter with Mrs. Dallas Moore. I gave her an I know Jack Shit tank and she gave me some cd’s. I have never taken it out since I put it in and hit play! Dallas Moore rules!
Jack will be in Sturgis as the Host at the Broken Spoke Campground, August 4 - 14th. If you are going you have to check him out. I'm sure you can tell he's one of a kind and it will be a freaking fabulous time at the Broken Spoke Campground!

If you want a I know Jack Shit t-shirt you can buy them on the Jack Shit's World blog. Flat Wooley even has one!! All the proceeds from the Jack Shit t-shirts goes to help pay for Jack's wife's medication.(pic far right)
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
She's Chasing Her Dreams from Sturgis to the OTT Rally

Iron Cowgirl Missy and her band are Chasing their Dreams to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally August 5th through the 14th. They will once again be playing at The Legendary Buffalo Chip Campground nightly Aug 5th - Aug 13th at Bikini Beach and the Kinison Showcase Stages. On Aug 9th they will be playing during Facebook Fan Fest and Aug 10th they will be playing at the Biker Belles Ride Reception.

After Sturgis Bike Week is over Missy is heading back to Michigan until her and the band take off again for another adventure. Missy will be riding down the road to The OTT Rally in Nacogdoches, TX. The OTT Rally(the oldest town in Texas) runs from September 15 - 18. This is a very special event for Missy because she will not only be preforming but she'll be riding in the The Ride for Teal. This is a ride to raise awareness, educate and raise funds for OVARIAN CANCER Research. If you want to participate in the Ride for Teal on September 15th click on the TEAL LINK for details.

Make sure you introduce yourself to Missy when you see her at Sturgis or the OTT Rally! She loves nothing more then playing her music for BIKERS because Missy is a Biker!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
What's Been Up With IHG and What's She Thinking These Days?
It's been a month or so since I've really blogged anything about me, myself, and I. I've been busy with work. Seems that Snoopy continues to dig Des Moines and wants to keep us all busy so he can eat the primo kibble. It's a good thing and I thank God I have a job.
Dan and I rode up to my parents' place over the 4th. It was my first weekend trip to somewhere away from central Iowa. I had been plotting this trip for weeks, trying to figure out which route I'd take to get to Highway 20. Well we left early on Sunday morning and as I was riding over Interstate 35 I thought to myself, hmmmmmm...should I ride Interstate 35 to Highway 20. I battled with myself for a couple seconds and then I was putting my turn signal on so that I could turn around and head back to Interstate 35. I stopped in the driveway of the Iowa DOT in Ankeny and Dan pulled up along side me. He was like...what's up? I smiled at him and said...I think I'm up for Interstate 35. He said...REALLY? I smiled back...Yep, let's do it! Dan led us onto the Interstate and before long I was passing him and leading us down the road. It felt so awesome riding 70 -75 mph. I was so digging myself. Yes my friends, I've kicked the fear to the curb and I'm finally enjoying myself and my beautiful chrome horse Sadie. We were one with the road and I was in a state of pure bliss! I've noticed that people look at you a little different when you are a chick and they realize you are riding your own motorcycle. It's a cool feeling, especially when you know the guy looking at you is thinking...damn, I'm a freaking wimp compared to that little momma. he he he! On Highway 20 there is a bridge that goes over the Iowa River. Every time I've gone over that river since I bought Sadie I always think, I can't wait until I'm riding over this on my bike. Dan knew my thoughts on this so when we were getting ready to ride over the bridge he pulls up along side me and I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat. I even let out a Yippeeeeeeeeee! It's those little moments I tell you that make me truly love life.

The ride home wasn't too shabby either. I even road in a brief shot of rain. It was a great trip. I almost got my little niece Sydney to sit on Sadie but she only wanted to look. I felt special too because my Mom told me she was really proud of me and my riding. I always wonder what my Mom and Dad think since I didn't grow up in a biker household. Guess they've always accepted me for me and this is ME!
The Indian Larry MC Owners' son, Aidan Jack Seeger; age 6, needs your help. He is in need of a bone marrow transplant. He has been diagnosed with a rare brain disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). If you want to see if you are a match for Aidan or any other person that needs bone marrow please go to the National Marrow Donor site and register for your kit.

I wish I could be a donor but after my bought with Leukemia I can't so please do it for me by becoming a donor. My Prayers are being sent to the Seeger family and to adorable Aiden. I pray that this little cutie finds a donor that can help bring him back to Great health.
So the other day I was driving passed one of the local malls and there were these young men protesting Guantanamo. I don't care, protest whatever you want to but don't freaking stand on the American Flag. Do not disrespect our American Flag in anyway at all. People have died for that flag and for you so that you can stand on the corner and protest Guantanamo. Ok...I need to step away from this topic because it's making me mad yet again.

I'm feeling the need for a little Zepplin so please take the time to enjoy a little Misty Mountain Hop with Robert and the Boys. Robert Plant...Mmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmm...MMMMmmmm!
Keep on a Smiling and Keep on a Riding!
Dan and I rode up to my parents' place over the 4th. It was my first weekend trip to somewhere away from central Iowa. I had been plotting this trip for weeks, trying to figure out which route I'd take to get to Highway 20. Well we left early on Sunday morning and as I was riding over Interstate 35 I thought to myself, hmmmmmm...should I ride Interstate 35 to Highway 20. I battled with myself for a couple seconds and then I was putting my turn signal on so that I could turn around and head back to Interstate 35. I stopped in the driveway of the Iowa DOT in Ankeny and Dan pulled up along side me. He was like...what's up? I smiled at him and said...I think I'm up for Interstate 35. He said...REALLY? I smiled back...Yep, let's do it! Dan led us onto the Interstate and before long I was passing him and leading us down the road. It felt so awesome riding 70 -75 mph. I was so digging myself. Yes my friends, I've kicked the fear to the curb and I'm finally enjoying myself and my beautiful chrome horse Sadie. We were one with the road and I was in a state of pure bliss! I've noticed that people look at you a little different when you are a chick and they realize you are riding your own motorcycle. It's a cool feeling, especially when you know the guy looking at you is thinking...damn, I'm a freaking wimp compared to that little momma. he he he! On Highway 20 there is a bridge that goes over the Iowa River. Every time I've gone over that river since I bought Sadie I always think, I can't wait until I'm riding over this on my bike. Dan knew my thoughts on this so when we were getting ready to ride over the bridge he pulls up along side me and I'm smiling like a Cheshire Cat. I even let out a Yippeeeeeeeeee! It's those little moments I tell you that make me truly love life.

The ride home wasn't too shabby either. I even road in a brief shot of rain. It was a great trip. I almost got my little niece Sydney to sit on Sadie but she only wanted to look. I felt special too because my Mom told me she was really proud of me and my riding. I always wonder what my Mom and Dad think since I didn't grow up in a biker household. Guess they've always accepted me for me and this is ME!
The Indian Larry MC Owners' son, Aidan Jack Seeger; age 6, needs your help. He is in need of a bone marrow transplant. He has been diagnosed with a rare brain disease called Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). If you want to see if you are a match for Aidan or any other person that needs bone marrow please go to the National Marrow Donor site and register for your kit.

I wish I could be a donor but after my bought with Leukemia I can't so please do it for me by becoming a donor. My Prayers are being sent to the Seeger family and to adorable Aiden. I pray that this little cutie finds a donor that can help bring him back to Great health.
So the other day I was driving passed one of the local malls and there were these young men protesting Guantanamo. I don't care, protest whatever you want to but don't freaking stand on the American Flag. Do not disrespect our American Flag in anyway at all. People have died for that flag and for you so that you can stand on the corner and protest Guantanamo. Ok...I need to step away from this topic because it's making me mad yet again.

I'm feeling the need for a little Zepplin so please take the time to enjoy a little Misty Mountain Hop with Robert and the Boys. Robert Plant...Mmmmm...mmmmmmmmmmm...MMMMmmmm!
Keep on a Smiling and Keep on a Riding!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Rally TV - The Show You Watch Before You Go Anywhere
Have you checked out Rally TV? Sara Liberte, Chris Callen and the crew from Cycle Source Magazine are bringing you exciting motorcycle news on Rally TV. You should also check out Rally TV Online , their website that keeps you in the know about rally events.
Here is a sample of what you can find on Rally TV. You can see what you missed at Laconia this year.
Here is a sample of what you can find on Rally TV. You can see what you missed at Laconia this year.
Chris Callen,
laconia bike week,
motorcycle news,
Rally TV,
Sara Liberte
Friday, June 17, 2011
On February 3, 2011 2 members of Paul "Spider" Webb & Caryn "Toots" Webb's family were victims of domestic violence. Monica Hudson & Nicole Cervantez were murdered along with Michael Tucker by Monica's boyfriend in Lake City, Florida. Nicole was 6 months pregnant.
Spider and Toots did not realize how much of an epidemic domestic violence was in this country until this happened to their family. We all have members of our families that could become a victim of domestic violence. The laws in every state are different except for one thing, none of them are tough enough or not always applied as they should be.
Because of this tragedy Spider and Toots have organized Ride 4 Reason...Stop Domestic Violence. The ride is taking place from Wednesday, July 13th and will conclude Saturday, July 16th. The ride leaves Montezuma, IA where Spider and Toots reside and will make overnight stops at Wayne Fitzgerald Camp Ground in southern Illinois, Jimbo's in Chattanooga, TN, and Soggy Bottom Camp Ground in Macon, GA. The ride will arrive in Lake City, FL on Saturday. The riders will ride to the house where the murders occurred and hold a candle light vigil. At the conclusion of the vigil the riders will ride past the Columbia County Correction Institute where they are holding the man responsible for these crimes. Saturday evening there will be music, speakers, honored guests and more in Lake City.
The route that Spider, Toots, and the other riders joining them will travel Interstate 80 East - 74 South - 155 South - 55 South - 64 East - 57 South - 24 South - 75 South - US 90 into Lake City, FL.
If you have any questions, concerns, want to make donations, want to help promote this event or want to join the ride please contact Caryn Webb (Toots) @ 641-990-7826 or cawebb66@yahoo.com or Paul Webb (Spider) @ 641-990-7827 or jlwebbman42@yahoo.com .
Monday, June 13, 2011
95 KGGO T-shirt Giveaway

I love 95 KGGO. They play classic rock and let me say...this station ROCKS! Well I bought a KGGO t-shirt a while back loving the logo on the front. When I got it home I noticed it had a LOGO on the back too. I'm not really a logo on the back kinda girl so I decided to give it away. No gimmicks, nothing to vote on, nothing to guess...just giving it away. It's a size large and has never been worn. It's a freaking cool t-shirt!!!! If you would like to be in the drawing to get this shirt please leave a comment. I will announce the winner of the shirt next Monday.

Sunday, June 05, 2011
She's a Highway Prophet - Jasmine Cain
If you follow my blog regularly you know I'm a huge fan of Jasmine Cain. She recently released her latest CD "Highway Prophet". You can find her tunes, including many from the new CD on ReverbNation. My personal favorite is "1995". Seriously, this girl knows how to rock and she's pulled it out from the depths of her rocker soul on this new CD. Check out the song "Runaway" and some great photos from photo shoots and gigs that she's played. One thing about Jasmine is she loves her fans and is one of the nicest rockers you will ever meet. If you make it to a rally where she'll be playing make sure you check her and her band out. You will not be disappointed.
Highway Prophet,
Jasmine Cain,
Jasmine Cain Band,
Thursday, June 02, 2011
High on the HOG - The MeanStreet Riders

The debut LP by the MeanStreet Riders is due out this summer and I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy to listen to and review.
The MeanStreet Riders are a group of musicians that also love to ride. The members of the band are Shannon Wallace, Dowlin Mayfield, Eric Lampley, Greg Torres, Kevin LaCour, and Fritz Froeschner. They decided to form their band in 2008 when they were riding Highway 129 "Deals Gap" aka "The Dragon". The song "129" tells about leaving a love behind and riding the "129". It's definately a song that any rider out there can relate to. When we saddle up and roll down the highway, hopefully we can leave all the bad stuff behind for a brief time.
The MeanSreet Riders sound alot like the Eagles. I also heard a little Molly Hatchet influence and there was a bluesy Allman Brothers feel too. I would recommend this CD as a travel enhancement for your next ride since the songs are very motorcycle and riding related. It would also be a great cd to add into your next party music rotation. After listening to the cd multiple times I found myself singing along. The song "High on the Hog" is very catchy and it's how I feel every time I ride Sadie. I really feel like I don't need anything else while I'm rolling down those back roads and I truly feel "High on the Hog". The MeanStreet Riders put their love of motorcycles and the open road to music. Their CD will bring out your own memories of past rides and rallies. It will remind you of people that you met along the way and the ones that have influenced your life. It will create excitement in your soul and it will make you feel excitement for your next great ride!
I wish The MeanStreet Riders great success with their new LP. Music and Motorcycles, a combination that sings to your soul. I really love their motto - Remember Life’s too short for traffic so Rock N Roll on the open Road!! I also like that they stand for FREEDOM and our Freedom as Riders!

Visit The MeanStreet Riders website where you can listen to clips of their CD for yourself. The First 10,000 visitors that sign up on their site receive a private screening of their Rockementary.
This post sponsored by ISC Fax Broadcasting.
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