This is the perfect gift for any motorcycle lover! American Throttle - The Motorcycle Trivia Board Game is based on a poker run across the United States, stopping at all the major rallies such as Sturgis, Laconia, Daytona, Four Corners and Laughlin. This is the perfect game to quench your motorcycle thirst during the long, cold winters that a lot of us experience every year. I know, I know...some of you are lucky and live in climates that allow riding pretty much all year. You do have parties and it would be a great addition to a night out with the crew.(it's a drinking game!!)
Here is a video explaining the game and how it's played.
After watching that I know you want to buy one of these to check out on your own. Sounds like fun, huh??!! To get your American Throttle Game <----click on that link and it will take you to the Buy It page on the American Throttle - The Motorcycle Trivia Board Game website.
The creators of this game are David Veal and Steve Schader. David came up with the idea after watching all of the biker build off shows that used to be on TV. He pitched the idea to Steve and the rest is HISTORY.
If you do end up buying this game, come back to my site and leave a comment letting others know what you thought of it. It really does look like a lot of fun!