I was goofing around on the internet today and found a site that gives you your Outlaw 1%er biker name. Mine is Bitch of the Sons of Santa! OMG that is too funny!! Kind of goes along with the Old Dirty Biker thing. Cracking me up!! You should go and try it...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A book in my life has been closed...
I wasn't going to post this but I just have to. Suicide is a crazy thing. Something that is so selfish. I understand that people hurt...I hurt! I just can't understand why someone would believe life is so bad that they would have to end it...they leave behind people who love them so much and it's just such a selfish act. I guess I shouldn't judge because I've never been that low that I've even remotely had those thoughts. Anyway...the entry below has brought closer to something I've wondered about for a very long time.
Once upon a time their was a 17 yr old naive girl that met a 21 yr old bad boy. They had a relationship full of drama but the girl stayed with the bad boy for about 5 yrs. One evening in the Central High School parking lot the naive girl now 21 and the bad boy now 26 sat and talked about the future. The bad boy told the naive girl that it would never work because her parent's disliked him so greatly. That was the last time the naive girl ever saw the bad boy. She thought of him from time to time wondering what ever became of his life. He had always been in trouble and she hoped by him moving to Texas he could get his life together. One day the not so naive 39 yr old woman found his cousin's name on Classmates.com and thought she would e-mail him. She asked how the bad boy was doing. A few nights later the not so naive woman visits Classmates.com and finds a response from bad boy's cousin. What she would read in that reply would hit her like a ton of bricks. She was in complete shock. The bad boy had commit suicide in 2004. Finally the book can be closed because now she knows what happened to him and she won't need to wonder anymore.
Once upon a time their was a 17 yr old naive girl that met a 21 yr old bad boy. They had a relationship full of drama but the girl stayed with the bad boy for about 5 yrs. One evening in the Central High School parking lot the naive girl now 21 and the bad boy now 26 sat and talked about the future. The bad boy told the naive girl that it would never work because her parent's disliked him so greatly. That was the last time the naive girl ever saw the bad boy. She thought of him from time to time wondering what ever became of his life. He had always been in trouble and she hoped by him moving to Texas he could get his life together. One day the not so naive 39 yr old woman found his cousin's name on Classmates.com and thought she would e-mail him. She asked how the bad boy was doing. A few nights later the not so naive woman visits Classmates.com and finds a response from bad boy's cousin. What she would read in that reply would hit her like a ton of bricks. She was in complete shock. The bad boy had commit suicide in 2004. Finally the book can be closed because now she knows what happened to him and she won't need to wonder anymore.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
2008 Capital City Customs Swap Meet & Show
The 4-H Hall at the Iowa State Fairgrounds was packed with bikers enjoying the sites of the 2008 Capital City Customs Swap Meet & Show. Upon arrival at the venue I couldn't believe the line of people waiting to get in. There was excitement on their faces even though there was that February chill in the air. When you entered the hall you were hit with the sites and sounds of a full blown bike show. There were vendors, dealers, custom bikes, babes, beers, and food. It was like a mini rally of sorts minus a band. You could feel the energy of the attendies as you pushed your way through the aisles.
The first booth that caught my eye was the TwisteD Choppers booth. This group of builders were from Sioux Falls, SD. These cool looking tattooed builders had some wicked looking rides.

I immediately was drawn to this rusty chopper. I love bikes that are raw...they have such character. One of the spokesmen from TwisteD Choppers told me that when they want to give the bike a boost of color they take it outside and let it sit in the rain for a day or two. I thought that was so awesome! I would have to say of all the chopper dealers that were at the show, TwisteD Choppers had some of the coolest bikes there.
Another builder that caught my eye was Z Co. Their style reminded me a lot of Exile Cycles with the industrial look of their bikes.

I can't imagine sitting on this seat on a long run but it really is wicked looking.
I headed on over to the area where the bike show entries were. Below are the rides that caught my eye.

There were a number of motorcycle clubs present at the event selling their support gear and socializing with the crowd of event goers. I had to laugh at how far away they put the Iron Warriors from the 1%ers.

I headed past the Outlaw bikers to the swap meet. If you were looking for a part for your scoot there were boxes and boxes of items to look through.

What bike event wouldn't be complete without a few biker babes showing their stuff. I got a couple pictures of the girls for you guys out there that follow my blog. I apologize for not taking too much time in getting anything good since it's not really an area of interest for me. LOL!

This was definately a welcome event for a bitterly cold February day. I was on motorcycle overload the entire time I was there. I marveled at all of the people in attendance. It's great to be around so many like minded people who are enjoying a great event like this Swap Meet and Customs Show.

We need more events such as this in Iowa because it was proven today...Iowans love their motorcycles and there are a heck of a lot of bikers in Iowa!
Spring is almost here!!! I'm sooooooo ready!
The first booth that caught my eye was the TwisteD Choppers booth. This group of builders were from Sioux Falls, SD. These cool looking tattooed builders had some wicked looking rides.
I immediately was drawn to this rusty chopper. I love bikes that are raw...they have such character. One of the spokesmen from TwisteD Choppers told me that when they want to give the bike a boost of color they take it outside and let it sit in the rain for a day or two. I thought that was so awesome! I would have to say of all the chopper dealers that were at the show, TwisteD Choppers had some of the coolest bikes there.
Another builder that caught my eye was Z Co. Their style reminded me a lot of Exile Cycles with the industrial look of their bikes.
I can't imagine sitting on this seat on a long run but it really is wicked looking.
I headed on over to the area where the bike show entries were. Below are the rides that caught my eye.
There were a number of motorcycle clubs present at the event selling their support gear and socializing with the crowd of event goers. I had to laugh at how far away they put the Iron Warriors from the 1%ers.
I headed past the Outlaw bikers to the swap meet. If you were looking for a part for your scoot there were boxes and boxes of items to look through.
What bike event wouldn't be complete without a few biker babes showing their stuff. I got a couple pictures of the girls for you guys out there that follow my blog. I apologize for not taking too much time in getting anything good since it's not really an area of interest for me. LOL!
This was definately a welcome event for a bitterly cold February day. I was on motorcycle overload the entire time I was there. I marveled at all of the people in attendance. It's great to be around so many like minded people who are enjoying a great event like this Swap Meet and Customs Show.
We need more events such as this in Iowa because it was proven today...Iowans love their motorcycles and there are a heck of a lot of bikers in Iowa!
Spring is almost here!!! I'm sooooooo ready!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Thank you Guardian Angel
So I've always felt like I have a Guardian Angel that watches over me and keeps me out of harms way in life. I've always thought that my Guardian Angel is my Godmother Celia Boom. I never knew her because she passed away when I was very young but for some reason I've always thought it is her. She definately stepped in this evening on my way home from work and helped me so I didn't get in an accident with the car in front of me. I was watching my speed because the road I was on was snow packed and in places there were patches of ice. I crested this hill and was slowing to stop and the car in front of me began to slide out of control...thank god I'm pretty good at winter driving and I pumped my brakes and counter steered my car and got around the car in front of me instead of hitting it. My heart was pounding a million miles a hour and I waited for the car that started the whole thing to go by me so I could get back in the lane to turn. As the car passed the lady in it and I looked at each other with that Thank God we didn't crash look and we went on our ways home, driving even slower then we had before. Instantly I was like...thanks Celia for saving me yet again. Can I say it again??? I'm so ready for SPRING!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

I found out about Sasha Mullins when I was searching for books about Biker Chicks. I found her BikerLady book and discovered one amazing chick. I'm a follower of her blog Down the Road a Peace and am so excited because her new book Chrome Cowgirl's Guide to Motorcycle Life is coming out in July of this year! I was reading her blog tonight and saw that she is entered in the Miss Sturgis 2008 contest. Go vote for this crazy cool chick at www.misssturgis.com. Best of luck to Sasha! She should be Miss Sturgis 2008. She is a biker chick, an amazing writer, singer, and fabulous soul! She has inspired me to follow my dreams and I thank her for it!
Best of luck Sasha!!!
More Snow....ARGH!
Wow...it just keeps snowing. We've had snow here in Iowa since November. It's the most snow I've seen in years. It's coming down pretty steady tonight. I measured the snow in the drive and it was about 3 inches. ICK! Tomorrow morning should be a treat getting to work. Our Iowa winters sux worse every year! I think it's because I'm getting older, have to drive in the crap and don't ever get a snow day like we did when I was a kid. I also think it's because there is this pretty Street Glide sitting in the garage freezing to death and wishing she was on the road. Poor Zippy Pickle is probably as sad as I am and hoping for spring!!
One good thing happening this weekend is a motorcycle show and swap meet at the fairgrounds. I can't wait. Chrome, paint, sexy bikes, vendors and hopefully cool swap meet finds. I'm hoping to get some pictures to put on here and show people that motorcycles really do exist in Iowa.
Well...that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well out there and wishing for spring as much as I am!
Goodnight! IHG :)
One good thing happening this weekend is a motorcycle show and swap meet at the fairgrounds. I can't wait. Chrome, paint, sexy bikes, vendors and hopefully cool swap meet finds. I'm hoping to get some pictures to put on here and show people that motorcycles really do exist in Iowa.
Well...that's all for now. Hope everyone is doing well out there and wishing for spring as much as I am!
Goodnight! IHG :)
sexy bikes,
swap meet,
Zippy Pickle
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